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  • The visualization and analysis of biological events using fluorescence microscopy is limited by the noise inherent in the images obtained. Now, a self-supervised spatial redundancy denoising transformer is proposed to address this challenge.

    • Lachlan Whitehead
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  • A recent study presents an approach for characterizing and quantifying the pore space in assemblies of particles, enabling research into pore-scale flow physics and insight into the interplay between the solid and void phases in granular materials.

    • T. Matthew Evans
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  • The accurate prediction of molecular spectra is essential for substance discovery and structure identification, but conventional quantum chemistry methods are computationally expensive. Now, DetaNet achieves the accuracy of quantum chemistry while improving the efficiency of prediction of organic molecular spectra.

    • Conrard Giresse Tetsassi Feugmo
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  • Programmability is crucial in noisy intermediate-scale quantum computing, facilitating various functionalities for practical applications. An arbitrary programmable time-bin-encoded quantum boson sampling device has been developed, specifically tailored for potential drug discovery.

    • Zhaorong Fu
    • Jueming Bao
    • Jianwei Wang
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  • A guided diffusion model pushes the boundaries of de novo molecular design, extensively exploring the chemical space and generating chemical compounds that satisfy custom target criteria.

    • Ganna Gryn’ova
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  • Deep learning approaches have potential to substantially reduce the astronomical costs and long timescales involved in drug discovery. KarmaDock proposes a deep learning workflow for ligand docking that shows improved performance against both benchmark cases and in a real-world virtual screening experiment.

    • Shina Caroline Lynn Kamerlin
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  • A reinforcement-learning-based framework is proposed for assisting urban planners in the complex task of optimizing the spatial design of urban communities.

    • Paolo Santi
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  • A hierarchical Bayesian method identifies cell-type specific changes in gene regulatory circuits in disease by integrating single-cell and three-dimensional measurements of the genome.

    • Pawel F. Przytycki
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  • A recent work introduces a cellular deconvolution method, MeDuSA, of estimating cell-state abundance along a one-dimensional trajectory from bulk RNA-seq data with fine resolution and high accuracy, enabling the characterization of cell-state transition in various biological processes.

    • Zheyang Zhang
    • Jialiang Huang
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  • Real-time mobility data capturing city-wide human movement can be used to characterize cities, their segregation, and population responses to exogenous events such as pandemics.

    • James Bagrow
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  • Deep learning is used to accelerate the inference of genetic clusters, allowing the analysis of hundreds of thousands of human genomic datasets in a computationally efficient way.

    • Chris C. R. Smith
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  • A momentum-space algorithm is proposed to simulate electron dynamics with time-dependent density functional theory, which expands the scope of conventional real-space methods.

    • Marco Bernardi
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  • A computational tool based on an additive approach and linear algebra has been developed together with a fabrication strategy for the systematic exploration of rigid-deployable, compact and reconfigurable kirigami patterns.

    • Alberto Corigliano
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  • An image-inspired deep-learning model is developed to generate realistic de novo protein structures and scaffolds around functional sites, which helps the search for new structures and functions in protein engineering.

    • Ava P. Amini
    • Kevin K. Yang
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  • Two computational methods — one physics-based, and the other one deep-learning based — are proposed to enable the systematic investigation of magnetic order in moiré magnets from first principles.

    • David Soriano
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  • Discovering biological patterns from omics data is challenging due to the high dimensionality of biological data. A computational framework is presented to more efficiently calculate correlations among omics features and to build networks by estimating important connections.

    • Ali Rahnavard
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