Research Briefing

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  • Microscopic visualization of the ARP2/3 complex showed that it colocalizes with peroxisomes in Arabidopsis thaliana and tobacco cells in vivo. Colocalization with an autophagy marker and analysis of peroxisomes in autophagy-mutant or ARP2/3-mutant lines demonstrated that ARP2/3 facilitates peroxisome degradation by the autophagic pathway, that is, pexophagy.

    Research Briefing
  • We assessed climatic and productivity trends across the world’s five Mediterranean forest ecosystems and detected large-scale, abrupt forest browning in Chile. Extreme dry and warm conditions in Chile, unprecedented in the recent history of all Mediterranean-type ecosystems, are projected to arise in the second half of this century.

    Research Briefing
  • Two independently evolved lineages of holoparasites — Balanophora (Santalales) and Sapria (Malpighiales) — display massively convergent characteristics of genome modifications, including gene loss in major pathways, reduction of multigene families and generally relaxed selection pressure. These findings provide valuable new insights into the fascinating biology of parasitic plants.

    Research Briefing
  • We identified ZmGLK36, a resistance gene against rice black-streaked dwarf virus (RBSDV), in maize. ZmGLK36 mediates resistance by regulating jasmonic acid (JA) biosynthesis and JA-mediated defence response; it also grants resistance to RBSDV to other cereal crops, such as rice and wheat.

    Research Briefing
  • Plant organ growth relies on intrinsic genetic factors and sufficient supply of nutrients, including metal ions. This work reveals that the transcription factors SOD7 and DPA4 interact with the transcriptional coactivator GIF1 to coordinate plant organ size control and iron uptake by competing with growth and iron uptake regulators.

    Research Briefing
  • Using population genomics, we reveal the global dispersal history of eelgrass (Zostera marina) from its origin in the Northwest Pacific Ocean, across to the East Pacific, Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea. Striking differences in genetic diversity among the locations reflect past glaciations and repeated bottlenecks during Z. marina’s worldwide colonization.

    Research Briefing
  • ABACUS2 FRET biosensors allow an unparalleled live view of the dynamics of the plant hormone abscisic acid in plants. Well-watered roots accumulate abscisic acid in growing cells when shoots become dehydrated — a response that is essential to maintain root growth in low-humidity conditions.

    Research Briefing
  • Methods for analysing spatial gene expression in plants have been limited in their throughput. Now the imaging method PHYTOMap allows the spatial expression of dozens of genes to be analysed in three-dimensional whole-mount tissue at single-cell resolution, in a transgene-free manner.

    Research Briefing
  • Quantitative methods to measure gene transcription in plants typically use large populations of cells and do not maintain spatial information. We developed a method that enables simultaneous quantification of single RNA molecules and protein abundance per cell in intact plant tissues.

    Research Briefing
  • Crystal structure-guided exchange of mobile elements from red algal Rubisco into a related bacterial Rubisco enabled us to identify amino acid substitutions that enhance carbon dioxide (CO2) fixation. In tobacco plants, the improved Rubisco supported a two-fold increase in photosynthetic rates compared with plants producing wild-type bacterial Rubisco.

    Research Briefing
  • Epidermal trichomes function as mechanosensors, but how trichome-less plants perceive mechanical forces remains unclear. Touching epidermal pavement cells with micro-cantilevers, we discovered distinct cytosolic calcium waves upon application and release of small forces. Thus, not only do plants perceive forces independently of trichomes, they may also distinguish touch from letting go.

    Research Briefing
  • The biosynthesis of plant specialized metabolites is strictly regulated in time and space. We have identified a robust transcriptional network, composed of transcriptional activators, co-activators and repressors, which steers cell-specific and jasmonate-inducible triterpene biosynthesis in the outer tissues of Arabidopsis root tips.

    Research Briefing
  • Photorespiration is known to be involved in carbon flux in plants, enabling the carbon lost during RuBisCO oxygenation to be recovered. We show that NPF8.4 is a transporter responsible for sequestering the photorespiratory carbon intermediate glycerate into vacuoles during nitrogen depletion, elucidating a novel function for photorespiration in nitrogen flux.

    Research Briefing
  • Maximization of reproductive success is critical for plant fitness. To this end, the flowering process must be finely tuned. We show that the rice florigen-like protein FT-L1 contributes to plant entrance into the reproductive phase and enables a balanced progression of inflorescence development.

    Research Briefing
  • A genetic approach that combines forward genetics with dynamically targeted genome-scale CRISPR–Cas9 tools has been developed to unmask phenotypic variation in Arabidopsis thaliana that is otherwise hidden by functional redundancy. This approach, called Multi-Knock, should be readily deployable by scientists and breeders for basic research and to expedite breeding efforts.

    Research Briefing
  • Gossypol is a defense compound in cotton; both axially chiral gossypol enantiomers confer pest resistance, but (−)-gossypol is toxic for humans. We identified a gene (GhDIR5) that selectively promotes (−)-gossypol synthesis. GhDIR5 knockout enabled the production of (−)-gossypol-depleted cottonseeds without affecting pest resistance.

    Research Briefing
  • Kiwifruit are a dioecious species with genetic sex determination that involves genes in a male-specific region of the Y chromosome. One Y-encoded sex determining gene, Shy Girl, also controls sexually dimorphic traits. This property can explain our observation of recurrent recent changes in these genes’ location in related species.

    Research Briefing