Terahertz optics articles within Nature Materials


  • Article
    | Open Access

    Intense light pulses can induce symmetry breaking, as for the generation of ferroelectricity in SrTiO3. Using ultrafast X-ray diffuse scattering at a free-electron laser, nonlinear phonon interactions that occur on such mid-IR excitation are observed, with a theory for the dynamics presented.

    • M. Fechner
    • , M. Först
    •  & A. Cavalleri
  • Letter |

    We report the observation of narrowband terahertz emission from a quasi-one-dimensional charge-density-wave insulator, (TaSe4)2I. The origin of the emitted radiation is interpreted as a phason that obtains mass due to the long-range Coulomb interaction.

    • Soyeun Kim
    • , Yinchuan Lv
    •  & Fahad Mahmood
  • Feature |

    Kiyoshi Miyata and X.-Y. Zhu analyse the ferroelectric-like dielectric response of lead halide perovskites in the terahertz region and discuss the potential role of polar nanodomains in accounting for the defect tolerance and low recombination rates of these materials.

    • Kiyoshi Miyata
    •  & X.-Y. Zhu
  • Letter |

    Terahertz emitters, such as quantum cascade lasers (QCLs), are of interest for applications in imaging and sensing. Nevertheless, performance problems such as power out-coupling efficiency have limited their technological potential. However, a study now shows that subwavelength surface patterning of terahertz QCLs leads to significantly enhanced beam collimation and power collection efficiency.

    • Nanfang Yu
    • , Qi Jie Wang
    •  & Federico Capasso