Articles in 2018

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  • mRNA vaccines represent a promising alternative to conventional vaccine approaches, but their application has been hampered by instability and delivery issues. Here, Pardi and colleagues discuss recent advances in mRNA vaccine technology, assess mRNA vaccines currently in development for cancer and infectious diseases and consider future directions and challenges.

    • Norbert Pardi
    • Michael J. Hogan
    • Drew Weissman
    Review Article
  • The uptake of a new medicine represents a balance between benefit–risk assessment and value considerations. In the case of products approved via accelerated pathways, the increased uncertainty adds to the challenge. Here, we suggest solutions so that regulators, companies, payers and patients can align around management of the uncertainties and expectations.

    • Alasdair Breckenridge
    • Lawrence Liberti
  • A given G protein-coupled receptor can signal through a range of downstream transducers depending on the stimulating ligand, enabling biased signalling towards different biological outcomes. Lefkowitz and colleagues describe the latest advances in the field, including efforts to harness biased signalling for improved therapeutic outcomes.

    • Jeffrey S. Smith
    • Robert J. Lefkowitz
    • Sudarshan Rajagopal
    Review Article