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  • There is new attention to food safety resulting from the second White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health, as well as new advisories from the World Health Organization calling for more research on sugar substitutes because of possible cancer risks. Together they point to a need for rethinking how we study sugar substitutes and taste enhancers as potentially contributing to adverse health changes. In addition to the need for more research on sweeteners and taste enhancers, including the use of sensitive bioassays, and epidemiological and human clinical trial studies, there should be a call for better truth in labeling, especially including single names for such dietary elements that would afford easier recognition and potential avoidance by those with sensitivities and allergies.

    • D. A. Steindler
    CommentOpen Access
  • The production of sustainable plant-based foods is not simply a question of which process has the lowest environmental impact in the food chain. We have to consider that different degrees of processing might result in different degrees of plant protein nutritional quality in the final food product.

    • Patrícia Duque-Estrada
    • Iben Lykke Petersen
    CommentOpen Access
  • Digital twins can transform agricultural production systems and supply chains, curbing greenhouse gas emissions, food waste and malnutrition. However, the potential of these advanced virtualization technologies is yet to be realized. Here, we consider the promise of digital twins across six typical agrifood supply chain steps and emphasize key implementation barriers.

    • Asaf Tzachor
    • Catherine E. Richards
    • Scott Jeen
    CommentOpen Access
  • COVID-19 pandemic movement restrictions as part of the control measures put in place by countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has implications on food security, as movement restrictions coincided with planting periods for most of the staple crops. The measures are affecting important staple crops in SSA, and are likely to exacerbate food security challenges in many countries. Achieving adequate food supply in SSA requires developing better policies and packages to confronting the challenge of reducing hunger post COVID-19 pandemic. The lessons learned after COVID-19 crisis will be very important for African countries to rethink their strategies and policies for sustainable economic growth, as COVID-19 many have significant impacts on all sectors of their economies.

    • Ayansina Ayanlade
    • Maren Radeny
    CommentOpen Access
  • Olfactory and gustatory stimuli can elicit potent emotional responses and are essential in food perception. Yet, main theories of emotion often under-represent them, and our understanding of affective phenomena relies mostly on experimental studies conducted on visual and auditory stimuli. Although evidence is still accumulating today, recent findings suggest that the COVID-19 is associated with a loss in olfaction and/or taste. Here, I discuss how this unprecedented and uncommon spread of the loss of olfaction and/or taste worldwide may enlighten how emotional both these senses are and how much they influence food perception.

    • Géraldine Coppin
    CommentOpen Access