Editorials in 2021

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  • Nanoscale systems are ideally suited to study quantum mechanical effects and explore these as resources for emerging quantum technology such as quantum sensing, communication or computing.

  • The reported observation of enhanced diffusivity of simple molecules during a chemical reaction in solution is but the latest of nanoscale wonders.

  • We celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of Nature Nanotechnology by looking at how the journal topics have expanded throughout the years.

  • The FAIR principles provide compelling guidelines on how to achieve reusability of nanotechnology data.

  • Research on nanoplastic has already provided some significant results but it has also exposed a large number of open questions.

  • To achieve the biggest impact, nanotechnology-based strategies developed to manage infectious diseases in resourced-limited settings need to take into account the local context.

  • We have launched a series of webinars to engage our audience in a way that is complementary to the publication of articles.

  • Flexibly designed nanomaterials can trigger specific immune responses and might offer promising alternatives to traditional immunosuppressive therapies, cancer immunotherapies and vaccine formulations.
