Reviews & Analysis

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  • A new chemically induced dimerization (CID) pair exhibits fluorescence upon dimerization for the first time. Moreover, the CID pair is small and offers easily reversible dimerization that can be repeated multiple times.

    • Wenjing Wang
    • Jiaqi Shen
    News & Views
  • Leveraging nanopore long-read sequencing, scNanoHi-C identifies multiway interactions between enhancers and their target promoters within a single cell. Compared with short-read-based single-cell Hi-C or population-based multiway sequencing methods, scNanoHi-C offers new opportunities to investigate the heterogeneities of single-cell gene regulation networks mediated by high-order 3D chromatin structures.

    Research Briefing
  • The conversion of biological molecules into digital signals through sequencing is a complex process that often generates substantial systematic background noise. This noise can obscure important biological insights. However, by precisely identifying and removing this noise, we can bring the true signal into focus and eliminate misleading results from downstream analyses.

    Research Briefing
  • Single-cell perturbation screens are routinely conducted to study the effects of different perturbations on cellular state, yet such studies are easily confounded by nuisance sources of variation shared with control cells. We present a deep learning method that isolates perturbation-specific sources of variation, enabling a better understanding of the perturbation’s effects.

    Research Briefing
  • Recently proposed computational approaches explore casual links between chromatin and transcriptional changes that are provided by single-cell multimodal sequencing to bridge the knowledge gap in transcriptional regulatory control.

    • Ivan G. Costa
    News & Views
  • CheckM2 is a tool that applies machine learning to evaluate the quality of genomes from metagenomic data. CheckM2 is faster and more accurate than existing methods, and it outperforms them when applied to novel lineages and lineages with reduced genome sizes, such as Patescibacteria and the DPANN superphylum.

    Research Briefing
  • We developed, characterized and validated nLight sensors, a new family of genetically encoded green and red fluorescent norepinephrine indicators based on an alpha-1 adrenergic receptor. nLight probes can detect norepinephrine in living animals with superior sensitivity, ligand specificity and temporal resolution as compared with previous tools.

    Research Briefing
  • We developed CREST (CRISPR editing-based lineage-specific tracing) to enable high-throughput mapping of single-cell lineages in any Cre lineage of interest in mice. In addition, we delineated a comprehensive lineage landscape of the developing mouse ventral midbrain, revealing novel differentiation trajectories and molecular programs underlying neural specification.

    Research Briefing
  • A decade ago, the first bioinformatics pipelines to detect circular RNA molecules based on short-read sequencing data were published. Here, we show that dozens of such circular RNA detection tools differ vastly in their sensitivity but not in their specificity.

    Research Briefing
  • We developed LIONESS, a technology that leverages improvements to optical super-resolution microscopy and prior information on sample structure via machine learning to overcome the limitations (in 3D-resolution, signal-to-noise ratio and light exposure) of optical microscopy of living biological specimens. LIONESS enables dense reconstruction of living brain tissue and morphodynamics visualization at the nanoscale.

    Research Briefing
  • This Perspective introduces the Minimum Information About Disorder Experiments guidelines, which provide a community consensus on the minimum information required to appropriately describe metadata on experimentally and computationally derived structural state(s) of intrinsically disordered proteins or regions.

    • Bálint MĂ©száros
    • András Hatos
    • Norman E. Davey
  • Genome architecture mapping (GAM) enables understanding of 3D genome structure in the nucleus. We directly compared multiplex-GAM and Hi-C data and found that local chromatin interactions were generally detected by both methods, but active genomic regions rich in enhancers that established higher-order contacts were preferentially detected by GAM.

    Research Briefing
  • Cell type-specific transgene expression in mice has broad utility in biomedical research. We developed a versatile system for in vivo transgene delivery using adeno-associated virus (AAV). Efficient and tissue-specific transgene expression is achieved by regulating the expression of the gene encoding the AAV receptor, thereby precisely targeting AAV to the cell type of interest.

    Research Briefing
  • Our study introduces conditional autoencoder for multiplexed pixel analysis (CAMPA), a deep-learning framework that uses highly multiplexed imaging to identify consistent subcellular landmarks across heterogeneous cell populations and experimental perturbations. Generating interpretable cellular phenotypes revealed links between subcellular organization and perturbations of RNA production, RNA processing and cell size.

    Research Briefing
  • This Perspective discusses how machine learning can help in studying rare diseases using various emerging approaches.

    • Jineta Banerjee
    • Jaclyn N. Taroni
    • Casey Greene
  • A deep learning algorithm maps out the continuous conformational changes of flexible protein molecules from single-particle cryo-electron microscopy images, allowing the visualization of the conformational landscape of a protein with improved resolution of its moving parts.

    Research Briefing
  • We developed EmbryoNet, a deep learning tool that can automatically identify and classify developmental defects caused by perturbations of signaling pathways in vertebrate embryos. The tool could help to elucidate the mechanisms of action of pharmaceuticals, potentially transforming the drug discovery process.

    Research Briefing