Technology Features

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  • Coaxing ancient DNA to reveal its history delivers surprises and even improves ways of working with badly damaged present-day DNA.

    • Vivien Marx
    Technology Feature
  • 3D human cell cultures are changing the way scientists model organ development and function—but they have their own set of complications.

    • Katherine Ellen Foley
    Technology Feature
  • PCR duplicates—sequencing reads from the same original genomic fragment—can cause headaches. But there are remedies.

    • Vivien Marx
    Technology Feature
  • Many possibilities for parsing cancer emerge when labs combine gene editing and screens. And RNAi retains its spot in the menu of options.

    • Vivien Marx
    Technology Feature
  • Efforts to pare away cellular genomes are yielding streamlined biosynthetic factories and deeper insights into the core processes of biology.

    • Michael Eisenstein
    Technology Feature
  • Sequencing technology drives microbiology and gives researchers new reasons to draw on classic techniques.

    • Vivien Marx
    Technology Feature
  • A maturing open hardware and open-source software movement seeks to expand DIY light-sheet microscopy.

    • Vivien Marx
    Technology Feature
  • DNA folding shapes gene expression. Emerging techniques promise to reveal the intricacies of this architectural language of chromosomes.

    • Vivien Marx
    Technology Feature
  • Labs can generate neurons from pluripotent stem cells to study basic biology and to model disease. Protocols are getting more robust, and labs add personal preferences.

    • Vivien Marx
    Technology Feature
  • Cell-based assays are less routine for plant biologists than for researchers who work with animal or human cells, but that is changing.

    • Vivien Marx
    Technology Feature
  • Infidelity is painful in life and in the lab. The former is better left to other publications; the latter is best not ignored, especially in the context of PCR-based DNA amplification.

    • Vivien Marx
    Technology Feature