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    Computation plays a vital role in the analysis of the materials that are needed to address current complex needs such as energy, information technology, or operations under extreme conditions.

    Image: Steven Louie | Sarah E. Biehn & Steffen Lindert, Nature Communications (2021) | Zhijun Ning, Nature (2015) | Wenshan Cai Uday K. Chettiar, Alexander V. Kildishev & Vladimir M. Shalaev, Nature Photonics (2007) | jvphoto / Alamy Stock Photo.
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    This joint Nature Physics and Nature Materials Insight explores the physics of quantum materials, their synthesis and design, the control over their properties, and the functionality that emerges from these properties. Produced with the support of the Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation and the Simons Foundation.

    Image: Hsieh lab
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    Energy demand from developed and developing countries continues to grow, together with concerns on the detrimental effects that an energy economy based on fossil fuels has on the environment. This Insight discusses the latest advances in materials science that may boost the transition to more sustainable energy systems.

    Image: Tulsi Voralia, based on a concept by Paloma Liu
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    The design and use of biocompatible materials to parcel up and deliver drugs to specific locations in the human body is at the forefront of biomedical research. The collection of articles in this Insight discusses the latest advances and current challenges in the design of materials for the delivery of therapeutics, with a focus on clinical translation.

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    Spintronics studies the properties of the electron spin, with a view to improving the efficiency of electronic devices and to enrich them with new functionalities. This Nature MaterialsInsight provides a compact, yet comprehensive overview of a selection of topics that have rapidly developed in the past few years.

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    Knowledge of the microscopic structure is essential for understanding the properties of materials and to design functional devices. Electron microscopy and X-ray imaging have been used for decades to 'look' inside matter. The articles in this Insight aim to illustrate some of the most outstanding advances in instrumentation and computation abilities of these techniques that have led to unprecedented precision in terms of spatial resolution and sensitivity to composition and physical properties.

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    The need for data storage is enormous, and is expected to increase even further in the near future as new technologies such as on-demand television or high-definition video make it to the consumer. This Insight aims to capture the dynamic research efforts that span the wide range of related disciplines in a compilation of editorial material as well as review articles.