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  • Ligation of the TCR initiates multiple signaling cascades that direct the fate of thymocytes and T cells.

  • Post-transcriptional and post-translational modifications exert subtle yet profound influences on all aspects of immunity.

  • Emerging technologies are broadening our understanding of the human immune system, but capitalizing on their application will likely require philosophical and practical changes to the way research is done.

  • Tissue-resident leukocytes contribute to tissue function and homeostasis as well as immune surveillance.

  • Evolutionarily shaped molecular and cellular interactions between bacterial commensals and the host immune system drive a mutually beneficial relationship.

  • Nature journals' updated editorial policies aim to improve transparency and reproducibility

  • Basic checkpoints and redundant modulatory mechanisms allow immune responses that are both efficient against pathogens and safe to the host.

  • Nature Immunology is implementing new editorial guidelines for the supplementary material of research articles.

  • The multiprotein inflammasome complexes are important in responses to microbes but are also increasingly recognized as having key pathogenic roles in a variety of diseases from cancer to obesity.

  • With the announcement of the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine, immunology research is once again in the limelight.

  • The powers and perils of review articles for the design and publication of research.

  • Few proteins have had as profound an influence on immunity and biology as the transcription factor NF-κB.

  • Memory is the signature property of the adaptive response, and vaccination is a hugely important medical intervention—understanding the former will help perfect the latter.

  • Budget battles in the US Congress are precipitating higher costs at government facilities, including federal funding of biomedical research.

  • Nature Immunology launches its first podcast with a historical piece on immunology at the UK's National Institute of Medical Research as plans develop for the future of the institute.

  • Against a backdrop of some of the most savage spending cuts in the developed world, the UK science budget has emerged relatively unscathed, but funding priorities may yet prove problematic.
