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  • We present a special focus on computational and systems neuroscience, highlighting recent advances in combining empirical and theoretical approaches, including work presented at the Cosyne meeting in past years.

  • The UK government decision to remove the cap on undergraduate student fees is likely to have long-lasting negative consequences for science research in the UK.

  • There is a public perception that connectomics will translate directly into insights for disease. It is essential that scientists and funding institutions avoid misrepresentation and accurately communicate the scope of their work.

  • We present a special focus on epigenetics in the nervous system, highlighting recent advances in our understanding of epigenetic mechanisms and their regulation in neurons, as well as their role in nervous system function.

  • Getting people invested in science is critical for increasing public support. Some new initiatives may help open both pocketbooks and minds.

  • A recent brouhaha over corporate-sponsored scientific blogs sharing the same platform as those that are editorially independent highlights the need for clearly disclosing any potential conflicts of interest in the blogosphere.

  • A report of a potential therapy for some of the social behavior patterns associated with autism highlights the need for a societal dialog to discuss the ethical issues raised by these treatments.

  • All research on human subjects requires their informed consent. Obtaining valid consent from isolated minorities can be particularly challenging, but scientists need to avoid the temptingly easy way out, so as to prevent further exclusion of these vulnerable populations from biomedical research.

  • To prevent false hopes and premature hype, public announcements of preliminary results from clinical trials should include access to the actual data to allow for scrutiny by experts.

  • Mobile devices are emerging as a viable way to maximize time to read and search our ever-expanding body of scientific information. We encourage our readers to download and use our new nature.com app and to provide us with feedback.

  • Women are still underrepresented in senior academic positions in science. A fundamental restructuring of the way scientists are evaluated is essential to remedy this disparity.

  • Although institutional review boards are important ethical gatekeepers of human patient research, there is little data to evaluate their effectiveness. More coordination and a more transparent decision-making process is critical if review boards are to make appropriate and consistent decisions.

  • The validity of a 1999 German patent on the derivation of neural precursors from human embryonic stem cells remains undecided, highlighting the inadequacy of European law for dealing with stem cell technology.

  • A recent controversy on sport-related dementia underscores the need for comprehensive epidemiology studies.

  • The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) have funded an increasing number of grants from young investigators with merit scores below the payline. This policy is critical for retaining and encouraging our future scientific base.

  • A recent report by the National Academy of Science makes recommendations for ensuring the integrity of research data. Critically, it also highlights the urgent issues regarding the preservation of large datasets.

  • We urge greater awareness of the potential genetic and environmental confounds involved in designing and interpreting studies with mice, and encourage the accurate reporting of the study's design.

  • Nature Neuroscience will now only publish methods online. We have also amended our rules to clarify authors' and co-authors' responsibilities.

  • A new initiative aims to jump-start drug development for psychiatric diseases by inviting neuroscientists with unconventional ideas to avail themselves of an established high-throughput chemical screening platform.
