Calls for papers

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  • Justice and Equality in Decarbonization

    In this cross-journal Collection, we explore how science, policy, and industrial sector can work to advance justice and equity in decarbonization, addressing issues such as disproportionate environmental burdens on marginalized groups, access to clean energy, and equitable distribution of costs and benefits.
      Submission status: Open Deadline: 31 January 2025
    • Uncrewed Underwater Vehicles

      In this collection, we aim to bring together the latest developments in experimental and numerical tools for underwater environment situation awareness and prediction, surface and underwater vehicles for monitoring the health and operation of underwater constructions as well as applications to assist humans in extreme subsea environments such as search and rescue.
      • Malika Meghjani, PhD
      • Zhuo Zhang, PhD
      Submission status: Open Deadline: 22 January 2025
    • Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Cancer

      In this cross-journal collection between Nature Communications, npj Digital Medicine, npj Precision Oncology, Communications Medicine, Communications Biology, and Scientific Reports, we invite submissions with a focus on artificial intelligence in cancer.
        Submission status: Open Deadline: 30 December 2024
      • Smart Materials for Bioengineering and Biomedicine

        In this cross-journal Collection at Nature Communications, Communications Biology, Communications Engineering, Communications Materials, Communications Medicine and Scientific Reports, we welcome submissions focusing on various aspects, from mechanistic understanding to clinical translation, of smart materials for applications in bioengineering and biomedicine, such as, drug delivery, biosensing, bioimaging and tissue engineering.
          Submission status: Open Deadline: 30 December 2024
        • Wearable Devices for Assisted Mobility

          This collection of articles from Communications Engineering, Nature Communications and Scientific Reports reflects the variety of different research directions towards wearable devices for monitoring, rehabilitating, restoring and even augmenting physiological movement.
          • Catherine (Cathy) Holloway, PhD
          • Jonathon S. Schofield, PhD
          • Cecilia de Carvalho Castro Silva, PhD
          Submission status: Open Deadline: 30 November 2024
        • Neuromorphic Hardware and Computing 2024

          An interdisciplinary approach is being taken to address the challenge of creating more efficient and intelligent computing systems that can perform diverse tasks, to design hardware with increasing complexity from single device to system architecture level, and to develop new theories and brain-inspired algorithms for future computing. In this cross-journal collection, we aim to bring together cutting-edge research of neuromorphic architecture and hardware, computing algorithms and theories, and the related innovative applications.
            Submission status: Open Deadline: 06 November 2024
          • Microscopic Imaging in Deep Tissue

            This Collection will highlight Articles that involve new tools and emerging techniques for imaging at increased penetration depths within tissue as well as considering advances in conventional and state-of-the-art light microscopy techniques.
              Submission status: Open Deadline: 09 October 2024
            • Advanced mmWave and Terahertz communication technologies

              This collection between Nature Communications, Communications Engineering and Scientific Reports focuses on cutting-edge Terahertz (THz) and millimeter-wave (MMW) technologies. These areas include MMW communications, THz/satellite communications, 5G/6G wireless networks, antenna arrays, MIMO systems, modulation techniques, metamaterials, and integrated photonic circuits. The focus is on advancing communication and applications in the THz and MMW spectrum.
              • Akshay Mahadev Arabhavi, PhD
              • Yasaman Ghasempour, PhD
              • David González Ovejero, PhD
              Submission status: Open Deadline: 28 September 2024