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  • Polymer electrolytes are attractive candidates for rechargeable lithium metal batteries. Here, the authors give a personal reflection on the structural design of coupled and decoupled polymer electrolytes and possible routes to further enhance their performance in rechargeable batteries.

    • Ziyu Song
    • Fangfang Chen
    • Heng Zhang
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • The design of polymers for regenerative medicine could be accelerated with the help of machine learning. Here the authors note that machine learning has been applied successfully in other areas of polymer chemistry, while highlighting that data limitations must be overcome to enable widespread adoption within polymeric biomaterials.

    • Samantha M. McDonald
    • Emily K. Augustine
    • Matthew L. Becker
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • Increasing C storage in mineral-associated organic matter is insufficient due to diverse, environmentally specific persistent soil organic matter formation. Context-dependent management strategies highlighting the importance of particulate organic matter are necessary.

    • Gerrit Angst
    • Kevin E. Mueller
    • Carsten W. Mueller
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • Precision environmental health leverages environmental and system-level data to understand underlying environmental causes of disease, identify biomarkers of exposure, and develop new prevention and intervention strategies. In this Perspective, the authors provide real-life illustrations of the utility of precision environmental health approaches and identify current challenges in the field.

    • Andrea Baccarelli
    • Dana C. Dolinoy
    • Cheryl Lyn Walker
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • Fear of missing neonatal sepsis has led to early in life antibiotic administration, even without culture-proven sepsis. Here, the authors discuss the potential impact on antimicrobial resistance, and chronic disease later in life, due to effect on the developing microbiome, suggesting a factual based approach in quantifying burden of treatment in relation to the burden of disease.

    • Martin Stocker
    • Claus Klingenberg
    • Eric Giannoni
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • Biotechnology is emerging as a promising approach to increase resilience, flexibility, and efficiency of space missions. In this Perspective, the authors outline design-scenarios and provide a techno-economic analysis of their deployment.

    • Nils J. H. Averesch
    • Aaron J. Berliner
    • Adam P. Arkin
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • One of the ambitions of computational neuroscience is that we will continue to make improvements in the field of artificial intelligence that will be informed by advances in our understanding of how the brains of various species evolved to process information. To that end, here the authors propose an expanded version of the Turing test that involves embodied sensorimotor interactions with the world as a new framework for accelerating progress in artificial intelligence.

    • Anthony Zador
    • Sean Escola
    • Doris Tsao
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • One of the main sources of uncertainty in carbon budgets is that continental landscapes are made up of a heterogeneous mosaic of ecosystems. Here the authors put forward an integrative framework to improve estimates of land-atmosphere carbon exchange based on the accumulation of carbon in the landscape as constrained by its lateral export through rivers.

    • Joan P. Casas-Ruiz
    • Pascal Bodmer
    • Paul A. del Giorgio
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • Establishing sustainable approaches for human space exploration is key to achieve independency from terrestrial resources, as well as for ethical considerations. Here the authors highlight microbial biotechnologies that will support sustainable processes for space-based in situ resource utilization and loop-closure, and may be translatable to Earth applications.

    • Rosa Santomartino
    • Nils J. H. Averesch
    • Luis Zea
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • The field of terahertz wireless communication is growing rapidly. Here the authors discuss the challenges for the architectures of wireless platforms above 100 GHz and their potential applications.

    • Josep M. Jornet
    • Edward W. Knightly
    • Daniel M. Mittleman
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • Microrobotics is an emerging technology with wide implications for medical fields, such as assisted reproduction. Here the authors show how the key challenges regarding materials, processes and engineering as well as ethical and regulatory implications can be addressed towards a clinical adoption.

    • Richard Nauber
    • Sandhya R. Goudu
    • Mariana Medina-Sánchez
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • The cystic fibrosis landscape has changed dramatically over the last few decades, with improvements in patient quality of life, prognosis and predicted survival. In part, this is related to the availability of novel CFTR modulator drugs, although prior advances in symptom-directed therapies and diagnosis had already led to substantial improvements. However, the authors, part of a national CF focused group, recognize that more needs to be done and outline their considerations on research priorities in this perspective.

    • Lucy Allen
    • Lorna Allen
    • Jane C. Davies
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • In the field of lithium-based batteries, there is often a divide between academic research and industrial needs. Here, the authors present a view on applied research to help bridge academia and industry, focusing on metrics and challenges to be considered for the development of practical batteries.

    • James T. Frith
    • Matthew J. Lacey
    • Ulderico Ulissi
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • During development the embryo must balance lineage specification against the preservation of plasticity using a limited molecular toolkit. In this Perspective, the authors propose Molecular Versatility as a paradigm for grouping molecular mechanisms that are repurposed through development to exert distinct functions.

    • Giacomo Furlan
    • Aurélia Huyghe
    • Fabrice Lavial
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • Theoretical models and structures recovered from measured data serve for analysis of complex networks. The authors discuss here existing gaps between theoretical methods and real-world applied networks, and potential ways to improve the interplay between theory and applications.

    • Leto Peel
    • Tiago P. Peixoto
    • Manlio De Domenico
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • Synthetic biology encompasses engineering approaches to either redesign biological organisms with new molecular abilities or build up organism from the bottom to improve our understanding of life. Here, the authors summarize current approaches that can be applied for the synthetic engineering of viral replication cycles and discuss the potential DURC risk associated with such bottom-up approaches in infectious disease.

    • Oskar Staufer
    • Gösta Gantner
    • Joachim P. Spatz
    PerspectiveOpen Access