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  • Late last year, after six years of design and testing, California's Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute conducted the first controlled biological experiment on deep-sea animals using a Free-Ocean Carbon Dioxide Enrichment experiment. Ocean chemist Peter Brewer talks to Nature Climate Change about the project.

  • Water management expert Arjen Hoekstra, together with environmental science and energy specialists, has analysed the impact of increasing the use of biofuels in the transport sector on global water demand.

    Beyond Boundaries
  • Despite having achieved legally binding commitments on emissions reductions, many countries have increased their appetite for carbon-intensive products, making up the difference through international trade. Anna Petherick reports on the sticky task of regulating these invisible carbon flows.

    • Anna Petherick
    Market Watch
  • Australia — one of the largest per capita greenhouse-gas emitters — has committed to reduce emissions significantly over coming decades, but will its new carbon policy succeed?

  • The promise of a scientifically sound policy approach to tackle greenhouse-gas emissions in Australia gives hope that the country's efforts to mitigate climate change can make an effective contribution to international objectives.

    • Rodney J. Keenan
    • Lisa Caripis
    • Jacqueline Peel
  • Australia's carbon pricing mechanism leads the way with innovative design in price management and revenue recycling but could fall victim to partisan politics.

    • Frank Jotzo
  • Twenty-one coherent major initiatives could together stimulate sufficient reductions by 2020 to bridge the global greenhouse-gas emissions gap.

    • Kornelis Blok
    • Niklas Höhne
    • Nicholas Harrison