News & Comment

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  • Climate change could cost the world trillions of dollars every year. But at the moment, no one is required to pay for this damage, even if it is arguably their fault. That is where the world's courts come in.

    • Sonja van Renssen
  • Most city councils are still struggling to raise environmental standards for buildings.

    • Elisabeth Jeffries
  • The past five years have been an interesting time for the climate and for climate policy. But how has climate science evolved since Nature Climate Change first launched?

    • Olive Heffernan
  • Free trade agreements are becoming greener, and yet encouraging fossil fuel business.

    • Elisabeth Jeffries
  • Through modern media, Africa is now in people's living rooms and offices, so Africans need to report their experience of climate change.

    • Elisabeth Jeffries
  • Colombia's sustainable cattle ranching programme restores degraded land while boosting livestock production and making farmland more resilient to climate change.

    • Lisa Palmer
  • A more democratic world, and a world that responds effectively to the challenges of climate change, are common aims of the international community. But are they mutually compatible?

    • Anna Petherick
  • When the price of oil jumps, logic dictates that people should rush to invest in renewables. But it's not so simple.

    • Mason Inman
  • Predicting abrupt changes in ecological systems could help stave off some of the worst impacts of climate change. But how close are we to foreseeing tipping points?

    • Mason Inman
  • As regulatory efforts to curb greenhouse-gas emissions stall, many are seeking legal routes to achieve justice on climate change.

    • David Adam
  • Scientific observations made by everyday people are forming an increasingly valuable resource for scientists who research global change. But how reliable is citizen science?

    • Kerri Smith
  • Could radical innovation by green entrepreneurs deliver a techno-fix for the climate?

    • Shanta Barley
  • How much of an influence are our peers when it comes to being green?

    • Chris Woodside
  • How will our choices shape the future? That's a question researchers are keen to answer, and with a new approach to how the climate community develops scenarios, they are coming that bit closer to answering it.

    • Mason Inman
  • Climate scientists are under pressure to make their data — and their methods — more openly available, both to fellow scientists and the public. Now, open-access climate science is becoming easier than ever.

    • Kurt Kleiner