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  • As the climate changes, extreme storm and flood events are increasing in intensity and frequency, exposing more people to their impacts. Resilience planning needs to start now to limit these impacts.

  • Public participation in climate change research is reaching new-found heights due to an explosion in the number and diversity of citizen-science projects. These offer distinct opportunities for scientists to encourage education and outreach whilst maximising scientific gain.

  • Local and regional authorities are making climate-conscious choices, whilst climate change impacts will soon mean individuals need to make choices to survive.

  • A judicious use of financial instruments today could protect the well-being of future societies but investment and ambition needs to rapidly increase to achieve this outcome.

  • Britain's energy supply is undergoing a revolution: for the first time since 1880, electricity production was coal-free for 24 hours.

  • A requirement for unique author identifiers will enable clearer tracking of scientific contributions.

  • With a politically tumultuous spring and the window on keeping global average temperatures below 2 °C above preindustrial levels closing, environmental advocacy perhaps has a more important role now than ever before.

  • Regions most affected by climate change are not always the areas that receive the most attention. Africa is one example of a region that highlights the need for research in more difficult locations.

  • Protecting science-based policymaking requires engaging the public, not politicians. Cultural institutions and the arts provide non-partisan platforms for communication that can connect scientific climate change data to people's lives.

  • Negative emissions are necessary to meet ambitious climate targets, but in order to achieve these we need both technological advances and an economic environment that promotes such activity.

  • Donald Trump's actions during the election and his first weeks as US president-elect send a strong message about his belief in climate change, or lack thereof. However, these actions may reflect polarization of climate change beliefs, not climate mitigation behaviour.

  • The built environment will play a key role in determining future emissions, so it is essential that low-carbon infrastructure and design are implemented.

  • A statement on the availability of data is now needed on all research published in Nature Climate Change.

  • The academic community is beginning to gather content for a special report on the Paris Agreement's most ambitious aspiration.

  • Atmospheric CO2 concentrations are at the highest level for around 15 million years. Accurate accounting is crucial for informed decision-making on how to curb the rise.

  • Three IPCC special reports are scheduled, which will require the Working Groups to harmonize approaches and potentially influence the formulation of the sixth Assessment Report (AR6).

  • Hot on the heels of last year's Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement, representatives from the global conservation community met to set the conservation agenda that will help to implement these targets.

  • Popular culture reflects both the interests of and the issues affecting the general public. As concerns regarding climate change and its impacts grow, is it permeating into popular culture and reaching that global audience?

  • Ambitious temperature targets are intended to be catalysts of political and practical action on climate change. They also pose many applied research questions to science.

  • Weather is unpredictable and storms such as those seen in June have always occurred. Now climate change, in the form of sea-level rise, is increasing the risk of damage along the coasts and has implications for insurance and preparedness.
