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  • Cooperative binding effects pervade biology. Only a few basic principles are at play, but in different biological contexts cooperativity appears in distinct guises to achieve different ends. Here I discuss some of the manifestations of cooperativity that are most important in biology and drug discovery as they pertain to systems at different levels of complexity and also highlight aspects of this broadly important phenomenon that remain poorly understood.

    • Adrian Whitty
  • The development of single-molecule tools has significantly impacted the way we think about biochemical processes. Watching a single protein in action allows us to observe kinetic details and rare subpopulations that are hidden in ensemble-averaging techniques. I will discuss here the pros and cons of the single-molecule approach in studying ligand binding in macromolecular systems and how these techniques can be applied to characterize the behavior of large multicomponent biochemical systems.

    • Antoine M van Oijen
  • The retraction of a Nature Chemical Biology paper is a step toward a full accounting of a case of scientific misconduct.

  • Correspondence in scientific journals is an essential mechanism for mediating scientific debates, but emerging online technologies offer new ways to foster scientific communication.

  • For the last 30 years, the production of affinity reagents and particularly antibodies for research and therapeutic applications has been dominated by hybridoma and polyclonal technologies, while more modern, reliable and inexpensive approaches have lagged. Here we discuss why this is the case and how a cultural shift in the biomedical research community could bring the new technologies for creating antibodies and other tailor-designed binding proteins into the mainstream, with the potential for myriad new applications in research and medicine.

    • Stephen W Michnick
    • Sachdev S Sidhu
  • New tools and rigorous chemical and biological studies will be essential for enhancing our mechanistic understanding of cellular oxidative stress.

  • A two-day symposium on chemical neurobiology revealed an open frontier for researchers at the interface of chemistry and neuroscience.

  • As scientists move towards a more comprehensive understanding of the role of metals in biology, bioinorganic chemistry will be an increasingly important component of chemical biology.

  • Building on his contributions to NMR methodologies for studying metalloproteins, Bertini has been instrumental in bringing together inorganic chemists and biologists interested in metals in biology.

    • Joanne Kotz