Research articles

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  • A broad new class of commercially available multiphoton photoinitiators is identified, the properties of which result in the inverse scaling of photolithographic feature size with exposure time, rather than the usual proportional scaling. On combination with a conventional initiator, photoresists can be created for which the feature size is independent of exposure.

    • Michael P. Stocker
    • Linjie Li
    • John T. Fourkas
  • Non-haem iron catalyst [Fe(PDP)] promotes mixed oxygenase/desaturase activity from unactivated, aliphatic C–H bonds. This novel reactivity is substrate dependent, relying on the presence of a carboxylic acid, and proceeds via a short-lived carbon-centred radical. Direct evidence for this intermediate is provided through rearrangement of a novel taxane-based radical probe.

    • Marinus A. Bigi
    • Sean A. Reed
    • M. Christina White
  • Developing efficient thermoelectric materials that can directly generate electrical power from heat is a challenge, but now a nanostructured system of SrTe nanocrystals in a Na2Te-doped PbTe matrix achieves high efficiency by blocking heat flow without impeding carrier flow.

    • Kanishka Biswas
    • Jiaqing He
    • Mercouri G. Kanatzidis
  • Metalloporphyrins have a variety of roles in nature, including catalysis and the transport of respiratory gases, and many of these involve the binding of diatomic molecules. Now, the interaction of carbon monoxide with simple iron- and cobalt-porphyrins has been studied at the single-molecule level, revealing a surprising binding scheme.

    • Knud Seufert
    • Marie-Laure Bocquet
    • Johannes V. Barth
  • Organic aerosol particles are important to climate and human health but remain poorly characterized on account of their immense chemical complexity. Here, using both field and laboratory measurements of organic aerosol, we demonstrate the use of average carbon oxidation state for describing aerosol chemical properties and atmospheric transformations.

    • Jesse H. Kroll
    • Neil M. Donahue
    • Douglas R. Worsnop
  • Visible light photoredox catalysis has emerged as a powerful technique for chemoselective activation of chemical bonds under mild reaction conditions. Here, visible-light-mediated conversion of alcohols to the corresponding bromides and iodides is described. The reaction proceeds in good yield with exceptional functional group tolerance, and minimizes the formation of stoichiometric waste.

    • Chunhui Dai
    • Jagan M. R. Narayanam
    • Corey R. J. Stephenson
  • A DNA-encoded reaction discovery system has revealed reactivity that led to the development of a visible-light-induced, biomolecule-compatible azide reduction. This reaction exhibits remarkable chemoselectivity and can be performed on oligonucleotide and oligosaccharide substrates, and in the presence of a protein enzyme, without undesired side reactions or loss of enzyme activity.

    • Yiyun Chen
    • Adam S. Kamlet
    • David R. Liu