
  • Milestone |

    Light microscopy is the focus of the latest addition to our Milestone series. Light microscopy has provided the dominant data stream increasing our understanding of cell biology, and new powerful imaging tools and techniques continue to be developed. The Nature Milestones in Light Microscopy supplement contains a series of short articles presenting key developments, from the first microscope to 'super-resolution' imaging.

  • Milestone |

    Milestones in Cytoskeleton, presented by Nature, Nature Cell Biology and Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, celebrates ground-breaking advances in cytoskeleton research over the past 60 years — from the discovery of actomyosin filaments in muscle to the identification of molecular motors, and from fluorescence analogue cytochemistry and differential interference contrast microscopy to single-molecule assays.

  • Milestone |

    Milestones in Gene Expression is a collaborative project involving six journals - Nature,Nature Cell Biology,Nature Genetics,Nature Reviews Genetics,Nature Reviews Molecular Cell BiologyandNature Structural & Molecular Biology- and celebrates almost 50 years of discoveries in the field of transcription and chromatin.

  • Milestone |

    Milestones in Development is a collaboration between five journals - Nature,Nature Cell Biology,Nature Reviews Genetics,Nature Reviews Molecular Cell BiologyandNature Reviews Neuroscience. Twenty-four 'Milestones' highlight the discoveries that have made the greatest impact on the developmental biology field over the past 100 years.

  • Milestone |

    A specially written series of short articles on the main discoveries that have shaped the field of cell division.

  • Milestone |

    Milestones in Cell Division is a collaboration between four journals - Nature,Nature Cell Biology,Nature Reviews CancerandNature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology- which celebrates the past 100 years of research in the field of cell division. Twenty three 'Milestones' describe some of the seminal discoveries and place them in the context of what was known at the time.