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  • Human face recognition is robust to changes in viewpoint, illumination, facial expression and appearance. The authors investigated face recognition in deep convolutional neural networks by manipulating the strength of identity information in a face by caricaturing. They found that networks create a highly organized face similarity structure in which identities and images coexist.

    • Matthew Q. Hill
    • Connor J. Parde
    • Alice J. O’Toole
  • Photonic computing devices have been proposed as a high-speed and energy-efficient approach to implementing neural networks. Using off-the-shelf components, Antonik et al. demonstrate a reservoir computer that recognizes different forms of human action from video streams using photonic neural networks.

    • Piotr Antonik
    • Nicolas Marsal
    • Damien Rontani
  • Deep learning is currently transforming digital pathology, helping to make more reliable and faster clinical diagnoses. A promising application is in the recognition of malignant white blood cells—an essential step for detecting acute myeloid leukaemia that is challenging even for trained human examiners. An annotated image dataset of over 18,000 white blood cells is compiled and used to train a convolutional neural network for leukocyte classification. The network classifies the most important cell types with high accuracy and can answer clinically relevant binary questions with human-level performance.

    • Christian Matek
    • Simone Schwarz
    • Carsten Marr
  • Neural network force fields promise to bypass the computationally expensive quantum mechanical calculations typically required to investigate complex materials, such as lithium-ion batteries. Mailoa et al. accelerate these approaches with an architecture that exploits both rotation-invariant and -covariant features separately.

    • Jonathan P. Mailoa
    • Mordechai Kornbluth
    • Boris Kozinsky
  • Optoacoustic imaging can achieve high spatial and temporal resolution but image quality is often compromised by suboptimal data acquisition. A new method employing deep learning to recover high-quality images from sparse or limited-view optoacoustic scans has been developed and demonstrated for whole-body mouse imaging in vivo.

    • Neda Davoudi
    • Xosé Luís Deán-Ben
    • Daniel Razansky
  • Brain–machine interfaces using steady-state visually evoked potentials (SSVEPs) show promise in therapeutic applications. With a combination of innovations in flexible and soft electronics and in deep learning approaches to classify potentials from two channels and from any subject, a compact, wireless and universal SSVEP interface is designed. Subjects can operate a wheelchair in real time with eye movements while wearing the new brain–machine interface.

    • Musa Mahmood
    • Deogratias Mzurikwao
    • Woon-Hong Yeo
  • A combination of engineering advances shows promise for myoelectric prosthetic hands that are controlled by a user’s remaining muscle activity. Fine finger movements are decoded from surface electromyograms with machine learning algorithms and this is combined with a robotic controller that is active only during object grasping to assist in maximizing contact. This shared control scheme allows user-controlled movements when high dexterity is desired, but also assisted grasping when robustness is required.

    • Katie Z. Zhuang
    • Nicolas Sommer
    • Silvestro Micera
  • Memristive devices can provide energy-efficient neural network implementations, but they must be tailored to suit different network architectures. Wang et al. develop a trainable weight-sharing mechanism for memristor-based CNNs and ConvLSTMs, achieving a 75% reduction in weights without compromising accuracy.

    • Zhongrui Wang
    • Can Li
    • J. Joshua Yang
  • Controlling the flow and representation of information in deep neural networks is fundamental to making networks intelligible. Bergomi et al introduce a mathematical framework in which the space of possible operators representing the data is constrained by using symmetries. This constrained space is still suitable for machine learning: operators can be efficiently computed, approximated and parameterized for optimization.

    • Mattia G. Bergomi
    • Patrizio Frosini
    • Nicola Quercioli
  • An approach to protein structure prediction is to assemble candidate structures from template fragments, which are extracted from known protein structures. Wang et al. demonstrate that combining deep neural network architectures with a relatively small but high-resolution fragment dataset can improve the quality of the sample fragment libraries used for protein structure prediction.

    • Tong Wang
    • Yanhua Qiao
    • Haipeng Gong
  • When neural networks are retrained to solve more than one problem, they tend to forget what they have learned earlier. Here, the authors propose orthogonal weights modification, a method to avoid this so-called catastrophic forgetting problem. Capitalizing on such an ability, a new module is introduced to enable the network to continually learn context-dependent processing.

    • Guanxiong Zeng
    • Yang Chen
    • Shan Yu
  • Deep neural networks can contain arbitrary mathematical operators, as long as they are derivable. The authors investigate how knowledge about a problem can be incorporated into machine learning through the use of operators that are related to the problem.

    • Andreas K. Maier
    • Christopher Syben
    • Silke Christiansen
  • For some combinatorial puzzles, solutions can be verified to be optimal, for others, the state space is too large to be certain that a solution is optimal. A new deep learning based search heuristic performs well on the iconic Rubik’s cube and can also generalize to puzzles in which optimal solvers are intractable.

    • Forest Agostinelli
    • Stephen McAleer
    • Pierre Baldi
  • Artificial intelligence approaches can aid medicinal chemists to creatively look for new chemical entities with drug-like properties. A rule-based approach combined with a machine learning model was trained on successful synthetic routes described in chemical patent literature. This process produced computer-generated compounds that mimic known medicines.

    • Alexander Button
    • Daniel Merk
    • Gisbert Schneider
  • Reducing the radiation dose for medical CT scans can provide a less invasive imaging method, but requires a method for reconstructing an image up to the image quality from a full-dose scan. In this article, Wang and colleagues show that the deep learning approach, combined with the feedback from radiologists, produces higher quality reconstructions than or similar to that using the current commercial methods.

    • Hongming Shan
    • Atul Padole
    • Ge Wang