
Attosecond physics

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Attosecond physics is the study of atomic-scale electron dynamics in matter. Such dynamics are probed using attosecond light pulses: attosecond pulses present the same timescale of light-matter interaction, and match the motion of the electrons in matter induced by the photo-absorption. For this reason, in the last decades, academic and industry research have made a great effort in pushing further ultrafast laser technologies (e.g. high-order harmonic generations) as tools for monitoring the electrons’ motions. The understanding of these electronic processes is essential in exploring a wide range of questions in fundamental physical science, whose answers are important in areas as, for example, condensed matter physics and chemistry.

This Collection includes original research manuscripts whose work approaches the timing regime of attosecond physics; it looks at the study of ultrafast physical phenomena, and at the technologies which allows such study (e.g. ultrafast lasers).

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Detailed depiction of an atom with electrons orbiting the nucleus, showcasing a central clear sphere with glowing orbitals against a dark, bokeh lit backdrop


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