
Leveraging AI to facilitate clinical decision-making

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The last decade has seen exciting developments in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications in medicine. Within AI, machine learning approaches in particular, have shown great promise to improve accuracy, reproducibility, and efficiency of diagnostic processes and therapeutic decisions. For example, digital image processing is transforming the diagnostic process in specialties such as oncology, hematology, dermatology, and the fields of radiology and pathology. In diagnostic pathology, algorithms have been shown to perform at least as well as human pathologists, reducing diagnostic time, and improving accuracy and workloads. However, challenges remain in the implementation of AI in clinical practice due to a combination of factors, such as model biases, inadequate validation, and insufficient AI literacy.

This Collection welcomes submissions that address the challenges in clinical implementation of AI approaches to facilitate or improve clinical decision-making. This includes studies using deep learning, natural language processing, and foundation models, among other AI approaches. We are particularly interested in work with immediate relevance to medical practice or education and that demonstrates how AI can be used in a green, fair and ethical way to provide equitable care while being environmentally sustainable.

In addition to original research, we are open to receiving other article types, such as Reviews, Perspectives, and Comments that offer significant insights into the topic.

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Digital healthcare and internal organ medical.

When submitting your manuscript via our online submission system, please choose the appropriate Collection title from the drop-down menu on the submission form. Please be sure to express your interest in the Collection in your cover letter. All manuscripts will be considered according to our editorial policies. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that any individual paper will be included in the Collection.