
Grief and trauma

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Experiencing grief after the loss of a loved one or trauma after a distressing event, such as physical or sexual assault, a serious accident or natural disaster, can cause emotional, behavioural, and physical reactions, affecting individuals’ mental health and social relationships. This can also lead to the development of several clinical conditions such as depression, anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and addictions among others. Building resilience, developing coping strategies, and seeking professional support, when necessary, are key to recovery. This Collection welcomes original research articles from Psychology, Psychiatry, and Neuroscience, investigating grief and trauma and their consequences following distressing events.

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Desperate man sitting in the tunnel


  • BreAnne A. DanzI

    University of South Dakota, USA

  • Lisa M. James

    Brain Sciences Center, Minneapolis VA Healthcare System, Department of Neuroscience, University of Minnesota, Department of Psychiatry, University of Minnesota, USA

  • Alessandro Musetti

    Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries, University of Parma, Italy

Articles will be displayed here once they are published.