
Precision medicine in diabetes

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Recent years have seen significant strides forward in precision medicine for diabetes, a chronic disease affecting over 400 million people and causing around 2 million deaths per year globally. Precision diabetes medicine aims to exploit the growing volume of clinical and molecular data available to clinicians to optimize patient diagnosis and prognostication, disease prevention, and treatment selection. Patient-tailored prevention and care is being increasingly enabled by an improved understanding of the genetic and environmental contributors to disease risk and progression; emerging highly efficacious therapies; digital technologies to aid glucose control; and a better appreciation of the importance of patient-centered outcomes and quality of life.

This Collection includes a series of systematic reviews published by the ADA/EASD Precision Medicine in Diabetes consortium, where an international network of clinicians and scientists assessed the evidence available in the published peer-reviewed literature on precision diabetes medicine and identified barriers in and opportunities for its implementation. Each systematic review has a different focus on prevention, diagnostics, prognostics or treatment for type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, monogenic diabetes or gestational diabetes mellitus. Evidence collected for the preparation of the systematic reviews was used to support the creation of a consensus report on gaps and opportunities in the clinical translation of precision diabetes medicine, published in Nature Medicine.

The Collection is also open for submissions of primary research on the topic of precision medicine in diabetes, from any authors working in this area. We welcome clinical and translational studies focused on precision prevention, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of all types of diabetes. Other article types such as Reviews, Perspectives, and Comments that add significant insight will also be considered for inclusion in the Collection. All submissions will be subject to the same review process and editorial standards as regular Communications Medicine Articles.

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A continuous glucose monitoring system

Precision medicine in diabetes

ADA/EASD Precision Medicine in Diabetes Initiative systematic reviews

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