
DNA damage repair

Cells are continuously faced with endogenous stress (for example, during replication) and exogenous stress (for example, during exposure to ultraviolet radiation) that can ultimately lead to DNA damage. To preserve genomic integrity, cells have an arsenal of repair proteins that engage the appropriate repair pathway or, if damage is irreparable, induce cell cycle arrest and/or apoptosis. This article series explores the pathways that detect and repair different types of DNA damage, highlighting new regulation mechanisms of the DNA damage response and the implications of disrupted DNA repair for disease.


Article series explore a specific theme and comprise commissioned Reviews, Perspectives and Comments that are published consecutively over a period of time.

Click below to access new content added to ongoing series.

Molecular ageing
Started 2019

Cell death
Started 2019

Translation and protein quality control
Started 2017

Metabolic signalling
Started 2017

RNA processing and modifications
Started 2016

Adult stem cells
Started 2015

Technologies and techniques
Started 2014

Cell death and autophagy
2013 -- 2018

DNA damage
Started 2012

Post-translational modifications
Started 2011