
Mass spectrometry Imaging

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Mass spectrometry Imaging (MSI) combines the power of mass spectrometry, which measures the mass-to-charge ratios of ions, with high-resolution imaging capabilities, allowing for the simultaneous detection and localization of metabolites, lipids, peptides, and proteins at a cellular scale. It has application in drug discovery and diagnostic and prognostic monitoring of disease. Recent advances in MSI allow for the 3D spatial imaging of organs and tissues for volumetric molecular distribution analysis and it has been successfully integrated with a range of other imaging techniques, including fluorescence microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography to allow for increasingly sensitive and specifically targeted analysese. On its own, the technique is has relatively low throughput and improvements in speed, sensitivity, specificity and spatial resolution are desirable for deeper biological discovery.

This Collection presents original research highlighting new applications of MSI or refinements to the technique and associated instrumentation or software allowing for improved performance.

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Mass spectrometry Imaging


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