
Data from the MOSAiC Arctic Ocean drift experiment

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The MOSAiC Data Legacy is a principal result of the multi-national year-round research activity in the Arctic. This collection describes the main achievements in terms of publicly available research data. Furthermore, it highlights the data management principles and data policy as a milestone in pushing scientific collaboration in a huge international research project consortium in Earth System Sciences to reality.

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MOSAiC Arctic expedition


  • Stephan Frickenhaus, PhD

    Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research, Germany

  • Kirstin Schulz, PhD

    Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, USA

When submitting your manuscript via our online submission system, please choose the appropriate Collection title from the drop-down menu on the submission form. Please be sure to express your interest in the Collection in your cover letter. All manuscripts will be considered according to our editorial policies. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that any individual paper will be included in the Collection.