
Advances in Wind Energy Technology

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Wind has significant potential, as an ubiquitous source of energy, to offer an environmentally friendly solution to our ever-growing energy demands. As nations strive to widely deploy this renewable energy source, researchers from different communities work to develop new technologies to overcome the wind’s inherent shortcoming– intermittency. The research landscape of wind energy technology is characterized by extensive efforts to enhance energy capture and stabilize the intermittent power generation. Work towards improving wind energy harvesting includes advancements in turbine design for optimized aerodynamics and new materials exploration to boost reliability and cost-effectiveness of turbines. In tandem, the development of sophisticated control systems and energy storage technologies enables seamless synchronization of intermittent wind resources with demand fluctuations. Despite recent progress towards these goals, several challenges persist, such as turbine scaling, offshore installations, and resource distribution analytics. This Collection aims to bring together the latest research on developing robust approaches to manufacture larger turbines, wind resource assessment and prediction, and floating wind farm operation and maintenance.


This Collection supports and amplifies research related to SDG 11.

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