
Combating desertification

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Desertification is a form of land degradation in drylands, by which the biological productivity of an area is reduced to a point of almost no return, becoming barren and inhospitable. The phenomenon is due to both natural processes and anthropogenic activities, being only exacerbated by the effects of climate change. Desertification is a serious and global environmental issue, causing wide-ranging threats to human health and sustainable development, as well as biodiversity conservation.

This Collection offers a platform for the latest original research on combating desertification. It invites submissions in the fields of environmental sciences, climate and land use change, agriculture, ecology, engineering, sustainability, and interdisciplinary research.

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Canal middle agricultural dry by drought and heatwave on summer. water crisis and water stress on summer during long term drought on summer.


Submitting a paper for consideration


To submit your manuscript for consideration at Scientific Reports as part of this Collection, please follow the steps detailed on this page. On the first page of our online submission system, under “I’m submitting:” select the option “any other article type”. Once logged in you can submit your manuscript to a Collection by selecting “Guest Edited Collection”, under the “Choose the appropriate manuscript type” message, and clicking “Continue”. Then when filling out the manuscript information, select the "Combating desertification" Collection from the alphabetical list on the “Springer Nature Subject Category” tab. Authors should express their interest in the Collection in their cover letter.

Accepted papers are published on a rolling basis as soon as they are ready.

In addition to papers on Combating desertification, Scientific Reports welcomes all original research in the field of environmental sciences. To browse our latest articles in environmental sciences click here.


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