
Microphysiological Systems

Submission status
Submission deadline

This cross-journal collection on “Microphysiological Systems” is a collaboration between Nature Communications, Communications Biology, Communications Engineering and Scientific Reports. Microphysiological Systems feature the culture of cells, tissues or organoids inside of biomimetic microfluidic devices that aim to recapitulate the circulation and interconnection between different organs found within the human body. These platforms modeling (patho)physiological processes promise to revolutionize basic research as well as drug development and screening, while enabling personalized medicine and reducing our reliance on animal experiments. Within this field, we look forward to seeing submissions on the sub-topics of, but not exclusively on, Engineering Advances, Modeling Biological Phenomena, and Modelling Disease & Drug Testing.

To submit, see the participating journals
Innovative Lab-on-a-Chip Technology: The Future of Biomedical Analysis. Genereative AI.

Nature Communications is edited by in-house professional editors.

Communications Biology is edited by both in-house professional editors and Editorial Board Members

Communications Engineering is edited by both in-house professional edtiors and Editorial Board Members

Scientific Reports is managed by both in-house professional editors and Editorial Board Members.

Our editors work closely together to ensure the quality of our published papers and consistency in author experience.