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Biomimetics, also known as biologically inspired design, is an interdisciplinary research field that involves applying principles, strategies, and structures found in nature to solve engineering and design challenges. The goal of biomimetics is not just to replicate nature, but to understand the underlying natural principles and adapt them to human-made technologies. Biomimetics has been successfully be applied to such distant engineering disciplines as optics and nanotechnology, robotics, energy management, and more, which goes to showcase the breadth and depth of knowledge people can acquire by closely observing and learning from billions of years of natural innovation. By drawing inspiration from nature and adapting its designs to meet specific needs, engineers create products, technologies, and solutions that are not only functional but also often more efficient, sustainable, and innovative; as one of the most dynamic and robust research areas, this highly interdisciplinary field promotes innovation, resource efficiency, and sustainability, across research sectors.

This exciting Collection welcomes all original and novel research in the engineering aspects of biomimetics. We particularly encourage multi- and interdisciplinary submissions which display the prowess of the biologically inspired design approach to engineering.

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3D render of a robot treefrog


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