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  • Our monthly roundup of 'business of science' stories from across Springer Nature’s portfolio of journals explores the relationships between academia, startups and big pharma, as well as following the progress of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

    • Raveena Bhambra
    News Feature
  • A surge of efforts focused on the drug target B cell maturation antigen could transform the treatment of multiple myeloma and help to establish the relative merits and optimization strategies for emerging treatment modalities with wider applications.

    • John Hodgson
    News Feature
  • After a slow start due to the COVID-19 pandemic, oncology dealmaking thrived in 2020 as immuno-oncology fueled a number of high-value drug licensing deals and a string of billion-dollar M&As were announced.

    • Sarah Hardison
    News Feature
  • Our monthly round up of key biopharma business stories from across Springer Nature’s portfolio of journals, including the latest on COVID-19 vaccines and a focus on oncology.

    • Raveena Bhambra
    News Feature
  • In our first monthly round up of the year we explore the big stories from 2020, including key biopharma deals, FDA approvals and IPOs, as well as the extraordinary impact of COVID-19 on science throughout an unusual 12 months.

    • Raveena Bhambra
    News Feature
  • COVID vaccine news dominates our last monthly round-up of articles from Springer Nature research journals, magazines and supplements of the year. The articles explore how the many vaccines in development are affecting the pharmaceutical sector and what challenges lie ahead for their rollout.

    • Raveena Bhambra
    News Feature
  • The maturation of oligonucleotide and gene therapies, and the birth of the gene editing revolution, are spurring innovation in the cardiovascular and metabolic disease space.

    • Mark Zipkin
    News Feature
  • In our second monthly digest of ‘business of science’ articles from Springer Nature research journals, magazines and supplements, we delve into the history of cystic fibrosis research, celebrate two Nobel prize–winning CRISPR gene editing pioneers and examine big pharma’s interest in antibody–drug conjugates and exosomes.

    • Raveena Bhambra
    News Feature
  • In the first of a new monthly digest, we highlight recent ‘business of science’ articles from Springer Nature research journals, magazines and supplements. This digest looks at the latest drugs approved by the US FDA and a $1bn antibody development deal, peeps into the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub, and offers advice to budding science entrepreneurs.

    • Raveena Bhambra
    News Feature
  • Last year saw an uptick in medtech mergers and acquisitions values, whereas financing declined. This year is bringing new opportunities and challenges for the field as it responds to the demands of the coronavirus.

    • Maureen Riordan
    • Amanda Micklus
    News Feature
  • Partnerships are playing an important role in the pursuit of coronavirus-specific antibodies for diagnostics and therapies for COVID‑19.

    • Biopharma Dealmakers
    News Feature
  • Optimization of CAR-T cell technology and application of other immune cell types such as NK cells are tackling the efficacy, cost and logistical challenges of cell therapies for cancer.

    • Nick Taylor
    News Feature
  • The next-generation therapeutics space has continued to progress on several fronts in the past 12 months, but this could be set to change as the industry copes with the COVID‑19 crisis.

    • Paul Verdin
    News Feature