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Predicting river flow dynamics using stable isotopes for better adaptation to climate and land-use changes



Adapting to climate and land-use changes requires accurate prediction of river flow dynamics, particularly the seasonally varying water fraction with a rapid response to hydroclimate changes. By analysing stable isotopes in water molecules from precipitation and rivers, here we identified the young water fraction (<2–3 months) and introduced a dynamic water retention indicator to depict river flow dynamics. Examining 20,045 samples from 136 perennial rivers and 45 large catchments globally, we categorized dynamic water retention as high, moderate or low. Around 25% of rivers showed low dynamic water retention, indicating faster responses to hydroclimate events, whereas 50% exhibited high dynamic water retention, suggesting slower responses. Dynamic water retention and young water fraction correlated with changes in crop cover, forest cover, air temperature and precipitation, demonstrating temporal variations in three European rivers with decade-long isotope records. Isotope monitoring of rivers emerges as a cost-effective tool for understanding river flow dynamics and improving water resource management within ongoing hydroclimate and land-use changes.

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Fig. 1: Background information for study sites.
Fig. 2: Multi-way importance plot shows variable importance in relation to dynamic water retention.
Fig. 3: Biplots show results of dynamic water retention prediction and catchment responses.
Fig. 4: Times series of young water fraction and dynamic water retention.

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Data availability

The authors declare that the data supporting the findings of this study are available within the paper and its Supplementary Information files. The isotope records for the different rivers are available open access at the GNIR ( The isotope records in precipitation are available open access at the GNIP ( The database for the Random Forest analysis is included in the Supplementary Information. Source data are provided with this paper.

Code availability

The R code for the Random Forest model is included in the Supplementary Information.


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Y.V. designed the study, developed and ran the machine learning model simulations, did the analysis and wrote the paper. L.C. did the statistical analysis and prepared the databases. A.H. provided support on the data collection and R scripts development, reviewed the machine learning model and output analysis and helped in writing and revision of the paper. D.X.S. assisted in the precipitation and run-off isotope data modelling and validation and helped in writing and revision of the paper. A.W. assisted in the data analysis and interpretation, developed figures and reviewed the paper. J.M. advised on hypotheses, hydroclimate assessment and paper writing. J.C. coordinated the study design and reviewed figures and the paper.

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Correspondence to Yuliya Vystavna.

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Vystavna, Y., Chavanne, L., Harjung, A. et al. Predicting river flow dynamics using stable isotopes for better adaptation to climate and land-use changes. Nat Water (2024).

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