Correction to: Nature Published online 12 May 2021

The key reagents used in this study for nitrogen deletion belong to a class of compounds (N-acyloxy-N-alkoxyamides), some of which have been shown to mutate genetic material. We are currently investigating the mutagenicity of 1c; as this is currently not known, we advise that 1c should be used with appropriate caution. Please see Banks et al.1 and references therein for predictive quantitative structure activity relationships for the mutagenicity of N-acyloxy-N-alkoxyamides. We thank Stephen Glover for raising this safety concern.

Further, in the legend to Fig. 3b, now reading “b2 equivalents triethylamine were added,” there was a typographical error (“trimethylamine”) in the version originally published; the change has been made in the HTML and PDF versions of the article.