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Replay shapes abstract cognitive maps for efficient social navigation


To make adaptive social decisions, people must anticipate how information flows through their social network. While this requires knowledge of how people are connected, networks are too large to have first-hand experience with every possible route between individuals. How, then, are people able to accurately track information flow through social networks? Here we find that people immediately cache abstract knowledge about social network structure as they learn who is friends with whom, which enables the identification of efficient routes between remotely connected individuals. These cognitive maps of social networks, which are built while learning, are then reshaped through overnight rest. During these extended periods of rest, a replay-like mechanism helps to make these maps increasingly abstract, which privileges improvements in social navigation accuracy for the longest communication paths that span distinct communities within the network. Together, these findings provide mechanistic insight into the sophisticated mental representations humans use for social navigation.

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Fig. 1: Study design.
Fig. 2: Evidence of social navigation.
Fig. 3: Evidence for a replay-like mechanism.
Fig. 4: Evidence of cached structural knowledge.

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Data availability

All data needed to reproduce the analyses are available in a publicly accessible GitHub repository at (ref. 57).

Code availability

All code needed to reproduce the analyses are available in a publicly accessible GitHub repository at (ref. 57).


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We thank I. Aslarus, K. Danowski, E. Duchan, Y.-F. Jerry Hu, A. Lawrence, J. Palfy, V. Poyraz, M. Malhotra, M. Mazumder, S. Shulman, A. Stein, S. Vaca Narvaja and J. Wang for assisting with data collection. We thank A. Maddah for developing some of the task code used in these studies and Y. Yang Teoh for helpful computational modelling advice. Part of this research was conducted using computational resources and services at the Centre for Computation and Visualization, Brown University. Advanced access to these computing resources was supported by NIH award 1S10OD025181. This work is supported by the National Science Foundation award 2123469 (O.F.H. and A.B.). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the paper.

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J.Y.S. and M.-L.V. contributed equally to this work. A.B. and O.F.H. contributed equally to this work. Conceptualization: M.-L.V., J.Y.S., A.B. and O.F.H. Formal analysis: J.Y.S. and M.-L.V. Funding acquisition: O.F.H. Investigation: M.-L.V. Methodology: M.-L.V., J.Y.S., A.B. and O.F.H. Supervision: O.F.H. and A.B., Writing: J.Y.S., M.-L.V., A.B. and O.F.H.

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Correspondence to Apoorva Bhandari or Oriel FeldmanHall.

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Son, JY., Vives, ML., Bhandari, A. et al. Replay shapes abstract cognitive maps for efficient social navigation. Nat Hum Behav (2024).

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