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Next-generation DC vaccines with an immunogenic trajectory against cancer: therapeutic opportunities vs. resistance mechanisms

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Fig. 1: Schematic overview of the design of DCvax-IT and the discovery of the PD-L1+ macrophage-based immunoresistance pathway.


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ADG is supported by Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) (Fundamental Research Grant, G0B4620N; Excellence of Science/EOS grant, 30837538, for ‘DECODE’ consortium; Strategic Basic Research or SBO grant, S000523N), KU Leuven (C1 grant, C14/24/122; and C3 grants, C3/23/067, C3/21/037, C3/22/022), Come Up Against Cancer or Kom op Tegen Kanker (KOTK/2018/11509/1 and KOTK/2019/11955/1), VLIR-UOS (iBOF grant, iBOF/21/048, for ‘MIMICRY’ consortium), Olivia Hendrickx Research Foundation (OHRF), and European Union (EU) Mission Cancer grant for the GLIOMATCH consortium (Project no. 101136670). JS was funded by Kom op tegen Kanker (Stand up to Cancer), the Flemish cancer society through the Emmanuel van der Schueren (EvDS) PhD fellowship (projectID: 12699) and KU Leuven's Postdoctoral Mandate (PDM) fellowship.

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Correspondence to Abhishek D. Garg.

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ADG received consulting/advisory/lecture honoraria or R&D contracts from Boehringer Ingelheim (Germany), Miltenyi Biotec (Germany), Novigenix (Switzerland), Sotio (Czech Republic) and IsoPlexis (USA). The other authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.

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Sprooten, J., Garg, A.D. Next-generation DC vaccines with an immunogenic trajectory against cancer: therapeutic opportunities vs. resistance mechanisms. Genes Immun (2024).

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