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The clinical impact of acquired von Willebrand syndrome secondary to Waldenström macroglobulinemia: an underrecognized source of major bleeding events


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Fig. 1: Baseline AVWS-related laboratories, multimer testing, clinical and long-term outcomes.

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Data available on request with email to corresponding author.


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KLC, RKP, MS, JPA designed this study, analyzed/interpreted the data and wrote the manuscript. SZ, JP, RG, AP, AA, JMC, CAT, ACK, SA, TMH, TEW, MAG, DD, FKB, AD, NL, SKK, WN, SMA, PK, interpreted the data and assisted in writing the manuscript. All authors provided final approval of the manuscript and are accountable for all aspects of the work.

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Correspondence to Jithma P. Abeykoon.

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Chohan, K.L., Pruthi, R.K., Zanwar, S. et al. The clinical impact of acquired von Willebrand syndrome secondary to Waldenström macroglobulinemia: an underrecognized source of major bleeding events. Leukemia (2024).

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