
Surveys have been used for centuries to gather information and have evolved significantly over time, from early paper-based questionnaires to modern online surveys [1, 2]. They are now a crucial instrument in healthcare and medical education for doing scientific research that includes assessing needs, evaluating demands, developing curricula, analyzing the effects of change, obtaining stakeholder input on various topics, and determining policy content [3, 4]. Surveys also provide useful data for improving health services delivery, serving as a medium to mitigate potential conflicts in patient care, assessing the quality of medical practices, and evaluating training programs. With these multiple applications of surveys in our professional practices, we should be cognizant of the elements and crucial steps taken by a well-designed survey tool in order to collect reliable, replicable, and accurate data. Such effort is the only way to ensure measuring progress and guiding solutions.

Depending on the goal, target audience, and information sought, the formats and contents of surveys can range from non-systematic questionnaires to rigorous, validated surveys. Creating a high-quality survey that produces rich, nuanced, and usable data requires significant effort [5]. However, many practitioners who use surveys to inform practice are challenged by designing a high-quality survey, specifically how to write questions, when to use various question types, and how to organize or format a survey tool. Applying effective design principles in the survey development process is often either poorly understood or overlooked. Developing questions that accurately assess the opinions, experiences, and behaviors of respondents is a critical aspect of survey methodology [2, 3]. Poorly designed surveys confuse respondents and yield inaccurate information, unreliable feedback, and low response rates. Careful planning in survey development can lead to accurate measures and improves data quality.

As a service to its membership, the Section on Neonatal Perinatal Medicine (SoNPM) of the American Academy of Pediatrics distributes surveys through its email directory, collecting data and obtaining feedback on a wide range of topics related to neonatal care, healthcare practices, and outcomes. Because of the increasing demand for this service, in 2017, the SoNPM created a template for survey submission requests and initiated a review by a designated committee. The committee has identified poor survey quality as a limiting factor for accepting surveys for distribution to the membership. The purposes of this review article are: 1) to describe the current state of survey use within the SoNPM, 2) to examine question quality and structure to determine the best design principles for the development of surveys within neonatal perinatal medicine practices, 3) to bring attention to critical design issues in survey development tailored to specific objectives for medical education programs, including question types, response formats, layout, sampling, pretesting and pilot tests, and 4) to briefly describe the benefits of online surveys and techniques that optimize survey design in the digital medium.

The current state of surveys within the SoNPM

We retrospectively reviewed survey applications sent to SoNPM for distribution to the members from 2016 through 2021. Approximately, 8–10 surveys were submitted annually, primarily from academic institutions. The applicant was often a trainee (16/40, 40%), usually a neonatal fellow, and occasionally a pediatric resident or medical student, supported by a neonatal faculty member. Surveys most often assessed variation in clinical practice, but some were designed to assess NICU policies, neonatologists’ attitudes on controversial topics, or information collected to assist with the development of an educational program (Table 1).

Table 1 Examples of survey topics submitted to SoNPM.

The SoNPM survey review committee did not have strict survey acceptance criteria. Each committee member reviewed the submission, and through discussion, they collaborated to determine “acceptability of the submission”. In determining acceptability, the committee assessed whether the topic was of importance, whether survey questions appropriately addressed that topic, and whether responses would likely provide useful data. Surveys were rejected if there were currently published data on the topic or if the content overlapped significantly with recently published data on the subject or a recent survey. Among concerns identified with the surveys, the most frequent was that the topic and questions referred to NICU policy, which would be better answered by the NICU director or Nurse Manager, rather than surveying all neonatologists. Problem areas or common concerns about the SoNPM surveys are noted in Table 2.

Table 2 Concerns identified with submitted surveys to SoNPM.

Although approximately 60% of surveys were approved, nearly all required revision before acceptance for distribution, including addressing issues as noted in Table 2. Some of the submissions were initially rejected but subsequently resubmitted, often months or a year or more later, for another review after substantial rewriting. There was no formalized follow-up assessment to determine how successful surveys had been. Unsolicited reports from some surveyors indicated that response rates were about 10 to 15%. One author (HWK) searched PubMed for “neonatal survey research”, published since 2016 in Journal of Perinatology, and found 12 references [6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17]. The median reported response rate for these was 18%.

Being able to submit and provide responses to surveys and having an opportunity to provide input to other neonatologists are important benefits of membership in the SoNPM. However, there has been concern about “survey fatigue,” particularly when members have been asked to complete surveys that are poorly written or deemed by some to be of little value. Most clinicians do not have education in survey planning or design, which are necessary skills to develop an effective research tool. Improved survey quality among submissions and perhaps a more focused review process by the SoNPM, should result in better response rates and more meaningful outcomes, with improved publication rates for those using this mode of research (e.g., survey methodology).

Planning a survey for clinical research use

Survey vs. Questionnaire

Many individuals use the terms “survey” and “questionnaire” interchangeably. These two are closely related because they involve collecting data or gathering specific information, but there are nuanced differences or distinctions between these two terms [18,19,20]. A survey refers to scientific investigation with the goal of collecting unbiased data for rigorous analysis for research purposes. Surveys often use one or more questionnaires, that focus on one aspect of the objective of the survey, as a data collection tool. A good example would be patient satisfaction surveys since they involve administering various questionnaires (e.g., about hospital experience, and doctor-patient communication) to a group of patients to gather insights into their overall satisfaction with healthcare services. Another good example would be the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States [21]. It aims to assess the health and nutritional status of the U.S. population. The survey provides data on a wide range of health-related topics, including chronic diseases, nutrition, physical activity, environmental exposures, and more. Thus, a survey is a method of measuring and analyzing relevant opinions and behaviors from a larger population to arrive at relevant research results. On the other hand, a questionnaire is a list of questions to explore multiple constructs simultaneously and can be either descriptive (providing factual facts) or explanatory (drawing conclusions about constructions or concepts). For example, a health-related quality of life questionnaire can ask a series of questions designed to assess an individual’s physical, mental, and social well-being. It may ask about aspects such as pain, mobility, emotional well-being, and social functioning. Another example would be a medical student burnout questionnaire, which aims to measure the levels of burnout experienced by medical students. It might include questions about emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment. Thus, a questionnaire is a set of written questions that usually inquire about a single subject in detail [18]. Questionnaires can be informal, for example, to gather data for upcoming research, or formal, with specific objectives and outcomes [22]. In essence, both surveys and questionnaires gather information from a target audience. A detailed Table that identifies and contrasts the characteristics of surveys compared to questionnaires is presented in the appendix (see Appendix 1).

In the context of clinical research, most applications submitted for distribution to the SoNPM email directory are considered in the survey category. A questionnaire may or may not be administered as part of a survey. Understanding the differences between these two data collection instruments will help us better determine which is more beneficial, depending on research goals and objectives. If we are looking to collect and interpret data to help us understand opinions, attitudes, and behaviors, then a survey is a valid option for us. However, if we want a flexible instrument to collect responses from a target audience, it is better to use a questionnaire.

Question quality as an element of survey design

Surveys require a set of predetermined questions. The quality of surveys depends on how well the questions are constructed with the use of appropriate scales. From a survey instrument design point of view, survey questions can be categorized both by their content and format. Robinson and Leonard [5] described four categories of survey content: 1) attributes, 2) behaviors, 3) abilities, and 4) thoughts. Attributes refer to the demographics and traits of a respondent; behavioral questions are self-reports of past or current behaviors with frequency and duration quantification; abilities refer to training, knowledge, and skills that can be reported or assessed. Thought questions have to do with attitudes and level of satisfaction. More details regarding these four categories of survey content, including sample questions for each, are available in the appendix (See Appendix 2).

When planning and designing surveys, along with the content types we need to consider various design features that may have a substantial and differential impact on both data quality and the cost of a survey. There are several steps to follow keeping in mind the survey content, structure, and question types. The following seven steps provide a solid foundation in item design and best practices for the creation of robust and high-impact surveys:

Step 1: Determine the survey goals and objectives

The goal of a survey, which is related to the study purpose, should be a broad statement that explains what the investigator wants to achieve. The process begins by writing an overall goal. Then the concept is broken down into multiple measurable objectives. Objectives are essential to provide a framework for asking the right questions.

Step 2: Define the population and sample

To make a survey reliable and representative for a study purpose, it is crucial to determine the population of interest and an ideal sample size among members of the population, assuming that the entire population will not be surveyed. A population refers to an entire group of people to be studied, whereas a sample is only a subset of the population being studied [5]. When a sample is not reflective of the population, this may threaten external validity, specifically population validity, or if it is too small, we cannot gain reliable insights. Using a correct survey sample size reduces sampling bias, which is important to provide generalizability of findings. The key questions in this step require answering questions such as “What is the population that I would like to survey?” “Who will participate in the survey? And how many people should my sample consist of?”

Two types of sampling may be considered, probability and non-probability sampling. With probability sampling, every single individual within the target group (which can be either random or representative) has an equal chance of being selected for the survey. Some common types of probability sampling techniques include simple random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, multistage sampling, and systematic random sampling [23,24,25,26]. Probability sampling techniques have the advantage of ensuring that the sample is representative of the entire population. As a result, validity is ensured for the statistical conclusions. Non-probability sampling (also known as non-random sampling) involves the process of selecting a sample group on the basis of judgment or the convenience of accessing data. Not everyone has an equal chance to participate in a study. Therefore, this type of sampling may not accurately represent the population.. The most common non-probability types include convenience sampling, quota sampling, purposive sampling, snowball sampling, and voluntary sampling [27, 28]. Non-probability sampling’s biggest advantage is cost-effectiveness and time-effectiveness compared to probability sampling but risks a lower level of generalization of study findings, including difficulties in estimating sampling variability and identifying possible bias [29]. Surveys that are submitted to the SONPM use convenience sampling by accessing the large database of practicing neonatologists and accepting information from those who chose to take the survey.

Step 3: Determine “exactly” how you plan to use the data

Survey data provide valuable insight to make decisions from multiple perspectives of stakeholders. During the survey planning stage, it is important to know how data will be used and/or analyzed (qualitative or quantitative). Knowing exactly which data will answer your bigger questions will be a roadmap for how to analyze the data and distribute the results through appropriate channels and reports. If parts of the survey data will not be used or will not benefit the research purpose, it is better to eliminate those segments of the survey.

Step 4: Conduct a literature review before creating a draft of the survey questions

An extensive literature search should be performed before writing a new survey to determine if a similar survey has already been validated or if any measures of the same constructs or related constructs already exist [4, 30]. Using a previously validated survey can be more cost-effective than designing a new survey. However, any modification to the survey may reduce its validity. Despite this disadvantage, it is often preferable to use an existing validated survey compared to designing a new one [4]. Even if no existing surveys are available, a literature review ensures the definition of the correct constructs that align with related research in the field and provides guidance for the development of better content of self-designed survey items and scales that may be adapted to the current study [4].

Step 5: Start developing survey items

A survey item is a question or statement included in a survey that elicits specific responses from the participants. The quality of the items determines the quality of the data [31]. Developing high-quality surveys should include the following vital elements:

Survey introduction

An introduction to the survey should include answers to the following questions:

  • What is the purpose of the survey?

  • Who will use the information?

  • How will the data be used?

  • Will the responses be anonymous?

  • How will the confidentiality and anonymity of respondents be assured?

  • Approximately how long will it take to complete the survey?

Structuring items by choosing the right question types

The most important part of survey development is the creation of items that accurately measure respondents’ opinions, attitudes, and/or behaviors. Survey statements or questions should be organized and aligned with study objectives. If there are varying types of questions, they should be grouped into sections with instructions for how the respondent should answer them at the beginning of each section.

Survey items should be written in plain language and mean the same thing to every respondent. The wording should also express what is being measured and guide respondents in how to respond [32]. Careful wording will increase readability and clarity while decreasing bias. Ideally, each item should focus on one construct, and should not exceed 20 words in length, be easy to understand, nonjudgmental, and unbiased [17]. Certain language or terminologies should be avoided, such as ambiguous questions (various people may interpret some words or phrases in different ways), conditional sentences (“…. if….”), negative or double negative phrasing (“Don’t you think……the hospital should not…..), absolute terms (e.g., “always,” “none” or “never”), and overly general expressions (“All children…..”). It is crucial to include the definitions of abbreviations, technical terminology, or complex terminology. Survey items that are poorly worded, confusing, or contradictory are likely to generate unreliable data and suffer from low response rates, thus undermining the effort associated with designing and administering the survey. A table is available in the appendix listing common problems with survey questions, and possible solutions (See Appendix 3).

Types of Questions

Varying statement or question types helps respondents actively engage with the survey and may improve response rate, while also tapping into a range of thinking processes with opportunity to obtain richer information. The most common question types can be categorized into the following three themes:

  1. 1.

    Close-ended questions: These types of questions ask respondents to choose from a distinct set of pre-defined responses such as “Yes/No,” one-word answers, and multiple-choice questions. They are great for collecting quantitative data. Closed-ended questions come in a multitude of forms but are defined by their need to have explicit options from which a respondent may select. A table in the appendix provides details of types of close-ended questions with the pros and cons of each (see Appendix 4).

  2. 2.

    Open-ended questions: These questions are also called “unstructured questions” that offer no response options to provide an answer. Respondents write their own answers from a single word or number to one or more paragraphs [22]. Open-ended questions facilitate collection of qualitative data that is rich, nuanced, and detailed, reflecting differences in opinions, feelings, attitudes, and experiences, which may not be captured by the quantitative data. However, responses to open-ended questions require more time and effort on the part of respondents and statistical analysis is more complex and time-consuming than for close-ended questions. These questions are rarely used in surveys submitted to the SoNPM. A table in the appendix details pros and cons in using open-ended questions (see Appendix 5).

  3. 3.

    Visually delineated questions: These types of questions use visual images, pictures, graphics, charts, illustrations, and formulas represented as answer options. Question responses require reasoning over visual elements of the image and general knowledge to infer the correct answer [33]. Therefore, visual question answering is significantly more complex, and useful responses are dependent on well-designed images. [2, 34, 35]. A table in the appendix outlines the types of visually delineated questions with pros and cons for each (see Appendix 6).

While having a variety of items as part of a survey may be beneficial for data collection, it also will require greater attention from respondents, which may increase the cognitive load for those being surveyed. Consideration of this potential additional stress should be taken when designing the survey, such as reducing the number of items when there are multiple types involved.

Response Scales

Regardless of the question type, choosing a survey response scale that is suitable for a survey’s question prompt is an important component of survey design and if done poorly may lead to poor data quality [2]. To perform statistical data analysis, there are four fundamental measurement scales [36].

  1. 1.

    Nominal Scale (determine quality or categorize data into mutually exclusive categories or groups)

  2. 2.

    Ordinal Scale (determine greater or less or measure variables in a natural order, such as rating or ranking)

  3. 3.

    Interval Scale (measure variables with equal intervals between values to see differences)

  4. 4.

    Ratio Scale (compare and compute ratios, percentages, and averages)

In medicine, many surveys use Likert Scales or Likert Type of scales [37, 38], which is the derivation of these four fundamental levels of variable measurement. Those surveys are commonly used to measure attitudes, attributes, opinions, beliefs, perceptions, and actions of the respondents. As seen in Table 3, Likert Scales can be presented in two ways: using a bipolar or unipolar scale [38, 39].

Table 3 Types of Scales in Likert-type questions.

Likert scales usually range from a 3-10 point scale, 4, 5, and 7 being the most common points. The 3-5 point scales provide fewer response options that make it easier to analyze the data, but harder to differentiate the stronger sentiments versus the neutral ones. As for the 6-10 point scales, they produce more segmented responses to analyze the stronger sentiments versus neutral ones, but it is harder for respondents to distinguish between minute levels of differentiation for the answer options. Scale selection should be related to a study’s purpose, the type of analysis to be performed, and the planned interpretation of the study results.

Sequencing of items

Survey items should be organized based on content within domains to facilitate the thought process of respondents since their responses can be impacted by previous items [17]. Therefore, statement or question flow should be arranged in a logical/psychological order so that one leads easily and naturally to the next one or next section smoothly. Each set of items can be grouped together under a heading with descriptive language that tells responders what to expect from the following set of items. Surveys often start with non-threatening items but placing the most important ones near the beginning may better capture respondents’ attention.

In sequencing item order, one of the most controversial issues is where to place demographic questions. Placing demographic questions at the beginning of the survey may cause potential respondents to stop their participation because they may feel the questions are too personal. This outcome may affect the response rate. Therefore, we prefer to include demographic questions at the end of a survey unless there is a specific reason to place them early. Informing respondents that their responses will remain anonymous and/or strictly confidential is one way to encourage them to answer demographic questions truthfully/honestly. Moreover, when in doubt, it is better to provide a “Prefer Not To Answer” option.

Summary of common errors related to item development

As items are being developed, common sources of errors [40, 41] are listed below:

  • Comprehension problem: The respondent does not understand the question or statement.

  • Multiple interpretations: The respondent identifies alternate, but equally reasonable, interpretations of the item.

  • Difficulty with recall: The respondent finds it difficult to recall with the degree of precision necessary.

  • Wrong type of response: Response to the items will not provide the type of data that the survey designer intended.

  • Social pressure: The respondent feels pressure to respond in a certain way (not honestly).

  • Format of the question: The format of the statement or question is tedious to the respondent—questions with multiple response options for example.

  • No response: For some items, not everyone who is being surveyed may be able to provide a response. If such an item is included, there should be an option for “no response” such as “Not Applicable” or “I do not know” or “I prefer not to answer”.

Step 6. Consult expert review

During the design of a survey, input should be sought from those who will be using the survey data and those who will be conducting the survey [42]. An expert review has two primary objectives [43]. The first is to identify problems with the survey instrument so that these problems can be rectified prior to use. The second is to identify item groups (questions) that are more or less likely to exhibit measurement errors. Several expert reviewers or colleagues should be used to review survey questions individually to capture different perspectives on the same survey. Without content review and question evaluations, a survey may omit key areas or not reflect recent studies or advancements in the area. Thus, expert reviews are valuable in identifying question problems and question alignment related to the purpose of the survey that may affect the quality of the survey data.

Less than 50% of surveys submitted to the SoNPM indicated expert review in the methodology description. Although the survey review committee to some extent provided this step, extensive feedback and revisions were often needed, delaying the evaluation and decision regarding acceptance.

Step 7: Pretesting and Piloting the Survey

While pretesting and pilot testing are frequently used interchangeably, there is a significant distinction between the two. Pretesting focuses on validating the instrument and its measurement to ensure that questions meet their intended purpose. On the other hand, pilot testing is considered to be a “dress rehearsal” by administering the entire survey process to detect overt problems that are not captured during the pretesting [17, 44]. Both pretesting and pilot testing are needed to modify the survey instrument.

Pretesting a survey

The quality of survey data depends on how well respondents understand the question. By pre-testing, we initiate the process of reviewing and revising questions. The main purpose is to assess whether respondents interpret questions in a consistent manner, as intended by the researcher, and to judge the appropriateness of each question included [24]. It is important to note that if there is a small number of respondents in a pretest, this may reduce the possibility of making a valid conclusion and may increase the margin for error. There are multiple methods for pretesting. Sample questions that may be used for pretesting are available in a table in the appendix (see Appendix 7).

Piloting a survey

A pilot survey is administered to a small sample of the participant population (30-100 participants suggested). This is the process of assessing everything under survey conditions not only to meet the goals and objectives of the study but to analyze various aspects of the whole survey, such as survey structure, adequacy of length and completion time, and question confusion.

Finally, it is crucial to include some questions in a pilot survey designed to get specific and relevant feedback from respondents. Sample questions that can be used in a pilot survey are available in a table in the appendix (see Appendix 8).

Reliability and validity

Two important factors in developing and testing a survey instrument are reliability and validity. Consideration of these factors during survey development can help to ensure the quality of a survey instrument and the data to be collected for analysis and interpretation.

Reliability. When an instrument is reliable, it will provide the same results if the measurements are repeated under identical circumstances --i.e., consistent measures in comparable situations [45]. There are four general classes of reliability assessments: 1) test–retest reliability, 2) parallel forms reliability, 3) interrater reliability, 4) internal consistency, and each one estimates reliability in a different way [46,47,48,49,50,51].

Validity. When evaluating a survey tool, validity refers to how accurately it measures what it is supposed to measure -- i.e., answers correspond to what they are intended to measure [45]. There are four main types of validity: 1) face validity, 2) content validity, 3) construct validity, and 4) criterion validity, which have been formulated as a part of accepted research methodology [51]. In addition, the following questions are crucial when testing for validity [52]:

  • Are the questions measuring what they are supposed to measure?

  • Do the survey questions fully represent the content?

  • Are the questions appropriate for the sample/population?

  • Are the survey questions sufficient to gather all the information needed to meet the purpose and goals of the study?

In brief, survey questions that are not reliable do not produce consistent responses at different points in time and across respondents. This inconsistency introduces measurement error. Survey questions that are not valid do not capture the true meaning of the construct and therefore do not measure what was intended.

Surveys in the digital age

Application of online surveys and questionnaires has become a popular data collection method in all spectrums of medical disciplines and research. Online surveys are sent to a sample of respondents and those audiences complete them over a Web platform generally by filling out a form. The main benefit of online surveys is to increase productivity by saving time. Data are instantly available and can easily be transferred into specialized statistical software or spreadsheets when more detailed analysis is needed. Online surveys also may allow for use of visual sliders, in which a respondent moves a slider within a preselected range to indicate a value in response to a statement or question [53]. This is a quick, interactive way for the respondent to provide their perception or opinions following a statement or question [54, 55]. While visual sliders primarily collect quantitative data due to their nature as numerical scales, some survey platforms might incorporate a combination of quantitative slider questions along with open-ended text fields to gather both types of data in a single survey. This allows for a more comprehensive understanding of respondents’ opinions and perspectives.

In recent years, we have witnessed the rapid spread of surveys delivered through social media, smartphones, and numerous other digital devices, enabling us to collect/process data about human behaviors on visual scales or multi-channel formats. Conducting surveys through mobile devices/smartphones and social media is convenient and inexpensive, but there are concerns about possible incomplete or inattentive responses and security risks [56,57,58]. The visual design of the survey is important when considering the various screen sizes and devices that may be used for access. Changes in visual design properties may have an unintentional effect on responses, skewing survey results. Understanding visual design principles, and graphic interfaces for online and mobile devices is an additional prerequisite for the development of digital surveys [59].

Discussion and conclusion

In this review paper, we described the current state of survey use within the SoNPM, and highlighted challenges that have been experienced and opportunities for improvement. We noted critical steps that must be considered in the development of a quality survey and the importance of including details of these considerations within the methodology description of the resulting manuscript. A literature review is an important planning step to understand gaps in knowledge and to help define the goals and objectives of the study. It is important to clarify the population to be assessed and sampling methods to avoid selection bias and potential loss of generalization of results. Question design is the most critical step in survey development which will determine survey quality. We have emphasized considerations regarding question types, format and sequencing of questions, and the use of appropriate response scales to best quantify results. The reliability and validity of the responses depend on the consideration of these important factors in survey development. Expert review, as well as pre-test and piloting of the survey, are discussed as important factors to improve survey quality and assure that results are meaningful and meet study objectives. These details of the survey design process are important to clarify within the methods section of the research manuscript.

In conclusion, surveys in medical practice can help identify areas where improvements can be made in care practices and outcomes. They can also provide valuable information for researchers studying the effects of different interventions on patient outcomes. When using the survey as a tool for research, investigators should use the seven steps of survey design to create high-quality surveys which will yield reliable and valid data. These steps help ensure that the survey questions are relevant, unbiased, and understandable and that the survey method is appropriate for the research purpose and objectives. By following the practical guidance for survey development provided in this review, investigators can both increase survey response rates and improve the quality and accuracy of the outcome data for SoNPM studies, or for other medical and public health research. Finally, the appendices provided with this review offer detailed information which may be used as a resource for those interested in high value survey design.