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  • From the Analyst's Couch
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Maximizing the value of diagnostics in Alzheimer's disease drug development

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Figure 1: Profit and loss calculation for a hypothetical AD therapy.


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Correspondence to Eric M. Snyder.

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Eric M. Snyder is an employee of Leerink Swann Consulting LLC, which serves a large number of pharmaceutical and biotech clients worldwide.

Frank S. David is an employee of Leerink Swann Consulting LLC, a life sciences consultancy that serves a large number of biopharmaceutical, medical technology, tools and diagnostics companies worldwide.

Jake Olin is an employee of Leerink Swann Consulting LLC, a life sciences consultancy that serves a large number of biopharmaceutical, medical technology, tools and diagnostics companies worldwide.

Supplementary information

Supplementary information S1

Impact of a diagnostic on the profit and loss calculation for an AD therapy (PDF 601 kb)

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Snyder, E., Olin, J. & David, F. Maximizing the value of diagnostics in Alzheimer's disease drug development. Nat Rev Drug Discov 11, 183–184 (2012).

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