Pharmacogenetics articles within Nature


  • Letter |

    The paper describes the mechanism by which small-molecule drugs such as abacavir affect antigen presentation and consequently T-cell response in immunologically based drug reactions such as abacavir hypersensitivity syndrome (AHS) and carbamazepine-induced Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS).

    • Patricia T. Illing
    • , Julian P. Vivian
    •  & James McCluskey
  • News & Views |

    Drugs used to treat African sleeping sickness are outdated, and how they enter cells and exert biological effects is poorly understood. A genome-wide study using RNA interference provides valuable insight. See Letter p.232

    • Alan H. Fairlamb
  • Letter |

    Lung cancers with activating mutations in EGFR can be treated with EGFR inhibitors, but not all tumours respond and some develop resistance. In an RNAi screen, this study searches for modifiers of the EGFR inhibitor response. It is found that inhibition of FAS and NF-κB signalling enhances the response in vitro and in vivo. In a cohort of lung cancer patients treated with EGFR inhibitors, expression of the NF-κB inhibitor IκB is associated with a better response and longer survival, indicating that combining NF-κB pathway and EGFR inhibitors may prove clinically useful.

    • Trever G. Bivona
    • , Haley Hieronymus
    •  & Charles L. Sawyers