Antenna complex articles within Nature


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    Cryogenic electron microscopy structures of the Synechocystis phycobilisome—alone and bound with orange carotenoid protein—reveal detailed information regarding the biophysical basis of the control of cyanobacterial light harvesting.

    • María Agustina Domínguez-Martín
    • , Paul V. Sauer
    •  & Cheryl A. Kerfeld
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    A cryo-electron microscopy structure of the light-harvesting–reaction centre (LH1–RC) complex of the photosynthetic bacterium Blastochloris viridis suggests factors that underlie the large redshift in the absorption spectrum of bacteriochlorophyll in the complex and that promote quinone–quinol translocation across the LH1 ring.

    • Pu Qian
    • , C. Alistair Siebert
    •  & C. Neil Hunter
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    Single-particle cryo-electron microscopy is used to resolve the structure of the phycobilisome, a 16.8-megadalton light-harvesting megacomplex, from the red alga Griffithsia pacifica at a resolution of 3.5 Å.

    • Jun Zhang
    • , Jianfei Ma
    •  & Sen-Fang Sui