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  • For many reasons, scientists take a career break lasting from months to several years. Many eventually return but lose their place on the career ladder, working at a level far below their qualifications and talents. Signs of improved access for returners are hugely encouraging.

  • Signals to and within the cell are integrated at many levels to facilitate a meaningful outcome. In this issue of Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, we present, in conjunction with Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, an in-depth look at the mechanisms underlying such integration.

  • Our recent web focus on virology and several articles in this issue prompt us to ask how a molecular understanding of the host-pathogen interaction can lead to the development of novel strategies to combat infectious diseases.

  • Your paper went out to review, and after anxious waiting, you receive the letter asking for a revised paper. However, those ever-demanding editors and reviewers want more. One of the most important elements of a revision is the point-by-point response. Here are some tips for making it more effective.

  • In some countries, science funding has seen a cash boost intended to stimulate long-term research efforts and competitiveness in response to the global economic crisis; in others, researchers and university employees are being forced to tighten their belts to accommodate budget deficits.

  • Less is more when it comes to writing a good scientific paper. Tell a story in clear, simple language and keep in mind the importance of the 'big picture'.

  • In 2010, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology will carry a series of quarterly web features devoted to diverse areas within the journal's scope. As we unveil the first, on RNA silencing, we consider the eloquent argument made by this field for the power of model-organism biology.

  • Some bacteria have the remarkable ability to switch from a free-swimming, planktonic phase to coexistence in a complex biofilm. In this issue of NSMB, the structures of the ligand-bound c-di-GMP riboswitch give insight into some of the molecular processes linked to lifestyle changes but also suggest a potential avenue for applications that begs exploration.

  • The 2009 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine goes to telomerase researchers, the Lasker Award to nuclear reprogramming pioneers, and crystallographers are awarded the Chemistry Nobel once again.

  • Manuscript peer reviewing is at the heart of the scientific system, but it seems that these duties are often not properly (if at all) recognized by universities, funding agencies or even the rest of the scientific community.

  • A recent survey revealed striking differences between the public and scientists' views of US scientific achievement and its societal benefits. This reinforces the fact that more must be done to effectively communicate with, educate and engage the public.

  • The practice of origami dates from the 1600s, but this cannot compare to how long proteins have been evolving form and function. How proteins achieve their correct shape is the subject of this special Focus.

  • As we set off into the full swing of traveling for the globally oriented meeting season, it's worth also remembering the delights of local science consumption.

  • One aim in science communication is to make the general public more aware of the breakthroughs and insights basic science research provides. Our press office gives us one route to help achieve that goal.

  • The economic benefits of biomedical research are recognized by governments around the world, but investment in science should go beyond profitability.

  • Now that we are well into 2009, I can't help but think about the year that has passed. Fear not, this will not be one of those dreaded holiday letters where we list all the highs and lows of the year. But as I look back, there are many things I hope that I have permanently crossed off my 'To Do' list and others that I am looking forward to doing.

  • As we enter 2009 and celebrate the anniversaries associated with the birth of Darwin and publication of The Origin of Species, it's worth asking why there isn't greater public awareness of the increasing molecular evidence relevant to evolution and what can be done to address this.

  • NSMB observes World AIDS Day by reflecting on the crucial role of basic research in fighting this epidemic.
