Reviews & Analysis

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  • In 2013, four important papers were published that provide new insights on biomarkers in acute kidney injury (AKI). These studies demonstrate the potential for biomarkers to aid clinicians in improving the therapeutic management of patients with AKI and potentially improve patient outcomes.

    • Dinna N. Cruz
    • Ravindra L. Mehta
    Year in Review
  • In 2013, a key theme of research in renal transplantation was the diagnosis of rejection. Data from key studies published in the past year highlight aspects of rejection that warrant further investigation and should prompt the consideration of adjunctive tests to complement traditional histological assessment of allograft biopsy samples.

    • Nicholas A. Zwang
    • Laurence A. Turka
    Year in Review
  • During 2013, a meta-analysis provided evidence that cystatin C improves estimated glomerular filtration rate in cardiovascular risk categorization in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Another study showed that low diastolic blood pressure (DBP) is harmful in patients with CKD, challenging the paradigm of treating elevated systolic blood pressure regardless of DBP. Overall, mortality rates in CKD have decreased but further improvement is required.

    • Jessica Kendrick
    • Michel Chonchol
    Year in Review
  • 2013 saw the publication of numerous studies that identified resident renal stem or progenitor cells, induced pluripotent stem cells and strategies based on stem cell paracrine action, which all might be suitable for kidney regeneration after injury.

    • Luigi Biancone
    • Giovanni Camussi
    Year in Review
  • In 2013, substantial progress was made in uncovering the genetic basis of a variety of kidney and urological disorders, including congenital and developmental diseases. The new findings will lead to an increased understanding of the pathophysiology of these diseases, improved risk prediction and the development of novel therapies.

    • Jasmin Divers
    • Barry I. Freedman
    Year in Review
  • The year 2012 brought a continued harvest of new findings of relevance to glomerular biology and disease. Progress in glomerular disease has continued, although our understanding of disease processes continues to extend much further than our ability to intervene effectively.

    • Jeffrey B. Kopp
    Year in Review
  • 2012 saw the publication of four important trials investigating the choice of fluid therapy in patients suffering from critical illness or undergoing major surgery. These studies pave the way for more evidence-based administration of fluid in such patients.

    • Antoine G. Schneider
    • Rinaldo Bellomo
    Year in Review
  • During 2012, an observational study confirmed the high risk of cardiovascular disease ascribed to chronic kidney disease (CKD) and again raised the question of whether CKD should be considered a cardiovascular disease risk equivalent. Several other studies evaluated methods to mitigate cardiovascular risk in CKD. The results of these studies have advanced the field but have also raised more questions.

    • Pranav S. Garimella
    • Mark J. Sarnak
    Year in Review
  • Patients with end-stage renal disease typically receive three 3–4 h haemodialysis sessions per week. Although available data from well-powered randomized trials are limited, studies published in 2012 provided new evidence that haemodialysis regimens with longer treatment times and/or a higher frequency of sessions might reduce the high morbidity and mortality of patients on maintenance dialysis.

    • Rajnish Mehrotra
    • Jonathan Himmelfarb
    Year in Review
  • 2012 saw the classification of the systemic vasculitides revised. Genetic studies showed that granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) and microscopic polyangiitis (MPA) are different diseases with aberrant immune responses to different autoantigens. B-cell depletion with rituximab also acquired a primary role in the treatment of GPA and MPA, as well as in cryoglobulinaemic vasculitis.

    • Cees G. M. Kallenberg
    Year in Review