Reviews & Analysis

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  • Concerns regarding the incorrect use of race as a biological construct and the resulting negative effect on health equity have led to reconsideration of the inclusion of race in equations for estimating glomerular filtration rate. Now, two studies report that cystatin-C-based equations can accurately estimate glomerular filtration rate independent of race.

    • Bessie A. Young
    News & Views
  • ‘Metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease’ has been proposed as a replacement term for ‘Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease’, in part to recognize the fact that this liver disease occurs within a series of complex metabolic disorders. This Perspective article discusses the clinical associations and pathophysiological mechanisms underpinning the relationship between metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease and chronic kidney disease.

    • Ting-Yao Wang
    • Rui-Fang Wang
    • Ming-Hua Zheng
  • Unpleasant symptoms — arising as a consequence of disease processes, comorbid conditions, therapeutics and lifestyle regimens — adversely affect the quality of life and life participation of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). This Perspective examines the concept and scope of symptom burden in CKD, theoretical frameworks and validated tools for symptom appraisal, and strategies with which to support patients actively through the identification and targeting of unpleasant symptoms.

    • Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh
    • Mark B. Lockwood
    • Philip Kam-Tao Li