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  • Julio Collado-Vides recalls two 2005 publications that provide a conceptual framework based on a statistical thermodynamics approach to quantitatively model the regulatory activity at promoters subject to regulation by multiple transcription factors.

    • Julio Collado-Vides
    Journal Club
  • This journal club by Elisa Oricchio highlights two studies published in 2012, which used chromatin conformation capture methods to detect the formation of self-interacting chromatin regions, known as topologically associating domains (TADs).

    • Elisa Oricchio
    Journal Club
  • Magda Bienko highlights a landmark paper by Lieberman-Aiden et al., which in 2009 reported the development of high-throughput chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C), revolutionizing the field of 3D genome biology.

    • Magda Bienko
    Journal Club
  • Two studies have revealed that the characteristic distribution of N6-methyladenosine (m6A) — an RNA modification known to be functionally important for mRNA metabolism among other processes — in mRNA is shaped by the exon junction complex during splicing.

    • Dorothy Clyde
    Research Highlight
  • Two new studies in Nature Biotechnology describe cellular recording systems that incorporate time-resolved optical signals into self-assembling protein filaments.

    • Darren J. Burgess
    Research Highlight
  • In this Journal club, Meritxell Huch recalls a dogma postulated by Hayflick in 1961, that the capacity for propagating primary epithelial cells with normal ploidy is limited — a theory that persisted until the advent of organoid cultures.

    • Meritxell Huch
    Journal Club
  • A study in Nature reports comprehensive, genome-wide mapping of the human methylome that provides mechanistic insights into gene regulation and offers great potential for analysis of cell-free DNA.

    • Kirsty Minton
    Research Highlight
  • Sérgio Pena discusses a 2019 study by Gruhn et al., which showed that meiotic chromosome segregation errors originating in oocytes determine the curve of female fertility in humans.

    • Sergio D. J. Pena
    Journal Club
  • Selene Fernandez-Valverde recalls a seminal publication by Jacob and Monod to showcase how thoughtful reasoning and extrapolation of limited observations can provide meaningful insights into complex systems.

    • Selene L. Fernandez-Valverde
    Journal Club