News & Comment

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  • A study in Molecular Cell reveals how CTCF and cohesin contribute to genome organization through their roles in forming and stacking chromatin loops.

    • Dorothy Clyde
    Research Highlight
  • Wagner et al. report an organism-wide map of non-coding RNA expression in ageing and rejuvenated mice, identifying a set of broadly deregulated microRNAs that may act as systemic regulators of ageing.

    • Linda Koch
    Research Highlight
  • In this Journal Club, Loic Yengo discusses a study by Tenesa et al., who used height as a model complex trait to estimate the degree to which height similarity between spouses is caused by mate choice.

    • Loic Yengo
    Journal Club
  • Sophie von der Heyden highlights a paper by Barber et al. that examined variations in the genetic structuring of populations of the mantis shrimp Haptosquilla pulchella, furthering our understanding of the evolutionary dynamics of marine species.

    • Sophie von der Heyden
    Journal Club
  • A new study in Science reports the mechanism through which TDP-43 enables correct processing of STMN2 mRNA, and proposes strategies to restore neuronal Stathmin-2 synthesis in TDP-43 proteinopathies.

    • Linda Koch
    Research Highlight
  • A paper in Cell introduces the EN-TEx resource, a detailed catalogue of allele-specific activity that can be used to develop deep learning models that analyse the biological impact of genetic variants.

    • Linda Koch
    Research Highlight
  • Xu et al. report the development of genetic scores that predict multi-omic traits, enabling cost-effective and powerful analyses for studies that do not include multi-omics data.

    • Linda Koch
    Research Highlight
  • Zhang et al. describe two technologies for the spatially resolved co-mapping of epigenome and transcriptome at near single-cell resolution.

    • Kirsty Minton
    Research Highlight
  • A paper in Science reports that circadian gene expression in humans is affected by sex and age, findings that might explain differential disease prevalence among these groups and have implications for treatment.

    • Dorothy Clyde
    Research Highlight