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  • The gut microbiota can metabolize bile acids to affect immunosurveillance in the liver of mice and indirectly control the growth of primary liver tumours and liver metastases.

    • Anna Dart
    Research Highlight
  • Tumour-associated neutrophils can inhibit the proliferation of pro-tumoural interleukin-17 (IL-17)+ γδ T cells via production of reactive oxygen species.

    • Anna Dart
    Research Highlight
  • Wang, Leite de Oliveira et al. show that BRAFV600E-mutant melanomas that are resistant to BRAF and MEK inhibitors are vulnerable to increased levels of reactive oxygen species and that this can be exploited therapeutically using a histone deacetylase inhibitor.

    • Sarah Seton-Rogers
    Research Highlight
  • Single-cell RNA sequencing analysis in paediatric diffuse midline gliomas with histone H3 lysine 27 to methionine mutations indicates that these aggressive tumours contain many stem-like cells and that lineage-based therapeutic targeting might be beneficial.

    • Sarah Seton-Rogers
    Research Highlight
  • Recent data on blood-based tests for early cancer detection are promising, but many issues must be addressed before we have clinically useful blood-based screening tests.

  • A recent study published in Science Translational Medicine generated a mouse model to study the link between surgical wounding and distant tumour growth, showing that the systemic wound healing response induced by surgery can promote tumour growth.

    • Ulrike Harjes
    Research Highlight
  • Roerink et al. have used organoids derived from multiple single cells of colorectal cancers from three patients as well as from normal colorectal epithelium of the same patients to comprehensively study intratumoural heterogeneity.

    • Anna Dart
    Research Highlight
  • Wang et al. have developed a diagnostic tool (based on the widely used Papanicolaou (Pap) test) to detect endometrial and ovarian cancer in patients by using PCR-based analyses of genetic mutations and aneuploidy.

    • Ulrike Harjes
    Research Highlight
  • Han et al. have identified a new tumour-induced immune cell population in the spleen that can promote tumour growth through production of the neurotrophic factor artemin.

    • Anna Dart
    Research Highlight
  • Ferrari de Andrade et al. find that monoclonal antibodies that prevent shedding of MICA and MICB from tumour cells can restore antitumour immunity by natural killer cells.

    • Sarah Seton-Rogers
    Research Highlight
  • Whether lymph node metastases can be a source of cancer cells for distant metastases has been debated. Now, two studies have used mouse models to show that tumour cells can colonize distant organs by invading lymph node blood vessels.

    • Anna Dart
    Research Highlight
  • Using clinical tissue specimens and mouse models of breast cancer, Incio et al. show that obesity promotes the upregulation of interleukin-6 and fibroblast growth factor 2 in the tumour microenvironment, which confer resistance to anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy.

    • Conor A. Bradley
    Research Highlight
  • In a new study, researchers show that basal-like breast cancer can be converted into the luminal subtype by inhibiting platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-CC signalling in the tumour microenvironment, thereby potentially broadening treatment options for oestrogen receptor-negative breast cancer patients.

    • Ulrike Harjes
    Research Highlight
  • Good et al. use deep phenotypic single-cell analyses and machine learning to identify developmentally dependent cell signalling states in B cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukaemia that are predictive of relapse.

    • Anna Dart
    Research Highlight
  • Deregulation of the COMPASS-like complex, via loss ofKDM6A in females and loss of both KDM6A and its Y chromosome homologue UTYin males, is important for activation of oncogene-associated super-enhancers and the development of pancreatic adenocarcinoma of the squamous subtype.

    • Sarah Seton-Rogers
    Research Highlight
  • Wang, C., Wang, J. et al. show that local injection of a hydrogel scaffold degraded by reactive oxygen species in the tumour microenvironment releases chemotherapy and an immune checkpoint inhibitor with kinetics that increase antitumour responses.

    • Sarah Seton-Rogers
    Research Highlight