Reviews & Analysis

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  • Proposals for the particle physics programmes in the United States and Asia are discussed; mainly the International Linear Collider in Japan, the Circular Electron–Positron Collider in China and accelerator-based long-baseline neutrino experiments in the United States.

    • Pushpalatha C. Bhat
    • Geoffrey N. Taylor
  • The Compact Linear Collider is a proposed high-luminosity electron–positron collider that can reach TeV-scale energies. Its accelerator design and physics programme, mainly focusing on precision measurements and new physics searches, are discussed.

    • Eva Sicking
    • Rickard Ström
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • This article puts in perspective the relationship between cavity and circuit quantum electrodynamics, two related approaches for studying the fundamental quantum interaction between light and matter.

    • S. Haroche
    • M. Brune
    • J. M. Raimond
  • This Perspective argues that ergodicity — a foundational concept in equilibrium statistical physics — is wrongly assumed in much of the quantitative economics literature. By asking the extent to which dynamical problems can be replaced by probabilistic ones, many economics puzzles are resolved in a natural and empirically testable fashion.

    • Ole Peters
  • A type of stochastic neural network called a restricted Boltzmann machine has been widely used in artificial intelligence applications for decades. They are now finding new life in the simulation of complex wavefunctions in quantum many-body physics.

    • Roger G. Melko
    • Giuseppe Carleo
    • J. Ignacio Cirac
  • Rich data are revealing that complex dependencies between the nodes of a network may not be captured by models based on pairwise interactions. Higher-order network models go beyond these limitations, offering new perspectives for understanding complex systems.

    • Renaud Lambiotte
    • Martin Rosvall
    • Ingo Scholtes
  • Some gravitational phenomena are difficult or even impossible to observe in real spacetime. Laboratory analogues of black-hole horizons offer new perspectives on field theory effects that might help our understanding of gravitation.

    • Carlos Barceló
  • The solutions adopted by the high-energy physics community to foster reproducible research are examples of best practices that could be embraced more widely. This first experience suggests that reproducibility requires going beyond openness.

    • Xiaoli Chen
    • Sünje Dallmeier-Tiessen
    • Sebastian Neubert
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • Despite the growing interdisciplinarity of research, the Nobel prize consolidates the traditional disciplinary categorization of science. There is, in fact, an opportunity for the most revered scientific reward to mirror the current research landscape.

    • Michael Szell
    • Yifang Ma
    • Roberta Sinatra
  • Recent developments have seen concepts originally developed in quantum information theory, such as entanglement and quantum error correction, come to play a fundamental role in understanding quantum gravity.

    • Xiao-Liang Qi
  • It is the common wisdom that time evolution of a many-body system leads to thermalization and washes away quantum correlations. But one class of system — referred to as many-body localized — defy this expectation.

    • Ehud Altman
  • Quantitative tools for measuring the propagation of information through quantum many-body systems, originally developed to study quantum chaos, have recently found many new applications from black holes to disordered spin systems.

    • Brian Swingle
  • Robust and responsive, the surface of a cell is as important as its interior when it comes to mechanically regulating form and function. New techniques are shedding light on this role, and a common language to describe its properties is now needed.

    • Alba Diz-Muñoz
    • Orion D. Weiner
    • Daniel A. Fletcher
  • The addition of nihonium, moscovium, tennessine and oganesson to the periodic table are a reminder of the achievements in nuclear physics and chemistry. Witold Nazarewicz outlines the future challenges for the field.

    • Witold Nazarewicz
  • As part of a Focus on antiferromagnetic spintronics, this Perspective looks at the complex and often faster dynamics of antiferromagnetic spin textures.

    • O. Gomonay
    • V. Baltz
    • Y. Tserkovnyak
  • As part of a Focus on antiferromagnetic spintronics, this Perspective examines the opportunities afforded by synthetic, as opposed to crystalline, antiferromagnets.

    • R. A. Duine
    • Kyung-Jin Lee
    • M. D. Stiles