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    Quantum mechanics is omnipresent at the nanoscale.

    Image: Image courtesy of Center for Hybrid Quantum Networks (Hy-Q), University of Copenhagen
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    When discussing the role that nanotechnology might play in global health, the benefits that nano-enabled strategies could afford in terms of improving the outcomes of infectious diseases and curbing their spread include the possibility of producing integrated point-of-care devices for fast and simple diagnosis and monitoring; the development of efficient, possibly self-administered, drug releasing platforms that do not require multiple administration; the engineering of vaccines with controlled properties that could boost the immune response against pathogens that have so far escaped traditional immunisation strategies.

    Image: Paramesh Karandikar and David Mankus of the Langer Lab and Nanotechnology Materials Core, respectively. Image created using elements sourced from NASA; CDC/Sarah Bailey Cutchin; CDC/Jessica A. Allen; CDC/Alissa Eckert (MSMI), Dan Higgins (MAMs)
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    Boosting or suppressing the innate and adaptive immune response can treat and prevent a variety of diseases, from autoimmune syndromes, to cancer, to inflammatory and infectious diseases.

    Image: Ella Marushenko and Kate Zvorykina (Ella Maru Studio)
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    In face of the coronavirus pandemic, the nanotechnology community has joined forces to provide tools and expertise to COVID-19 research efforts. Long-term experience in drug delivery, nanovaccines, immunoengineering, biosensors and platform technologies positions nanotechnology in a unique place to tackle some of the key issues in preclinical and clinical COVID-19 research

    Image: Image courtesy of Rita Acúrcio, University of Lisbon
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    Data-centric computation and the scalability limits of the traditional computing systems based on von Neumann architecture necessitate the development of alternative computational approaches for future nanoelectronics.

    Image: XVIVO Scientific Animation
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    Since the first report of the isolation of atomically thin carbon films in 2004, the field of graphene and other 2D materials has expanded dramatically.

    Image: David Schilter
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    To aid result reproducibility in the nanobiomedicine area, several initiatives have been proposed, such as creation of curated databases or implementation of field-specific checklists.

    Image: Bethany Vukomanovic
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    Several important works of art have been inspired by scientific concepts and are being displayed in several galleries around the world.

    Image: Heritage Image Partnership Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo
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    Plastic dispersed in the environment eventually fragments in minuscule particles known as microplastic and nanoplastic.

    Image: Artwork by Thomas Kast, PhD
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    When two or more individual monolayers are placed together to form an artificial homo- or heterostructure, the real van der Waals (vdW) architecture begins offering reach electronic, optical and magnetic phenomena oftentimes utterly unlike the monolayer case.

    Image: Fabien Vialla