Articles in 2013

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  • It has been suggested that the cytoplasm of living cells can be described as a porous elastic meshwork bathed in an interstitial fluid. Microindentation tests now show that intracellular water redistribution plays a fundamental role in cellular rheology and that at physiologically relevant timescales cellular responses to mechanical stresses are consistent with such a poroelastic model.

    • Emad Moeendarbary
    • Léo Valon
    • Guillaume T. Charras
  • Glasses with extraordinary kinetic stability have been made in the laboratory by physical vapour deposition. A computational algorithm that mimics such a deposition process now reveals that deposition at the temperature at which the configurational entropy vanishes leads to ultrastable glasses that are truly amorphous, pack uniformly and have energies that are equivalent to those of equilibrium supercooled liquids.

    • Sadanand Singh
    • M. D. Ediger
    • Juan J. de Pablo